digital content creator

What Is a Digital Creator and How to Become One?

Picture of Written by Alexandra
Written by Alexandra

Content Manager at SocialBee

If you are as connected to the digital world as the rest of us, then we’re sure you’ve heard of the digital creator job. More and more businesses rely on digital creators to boost brand awareness and get help connecting with customers. 

A popular option for both marketers and creatives, digital content creation is one of the most talked about topics of the moment. Through leveraging the power of social media platforms, creating content that puts your brand in front of your target audience has never been easier. 

So, if you like creating content and feel like the world of digital marketing is the right fit for you, then let’s dive in and see what the journeys of digital content creators entail. 

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Short Summary

  • The importance of a digital creator for brands lies in their ability to generate content that engages and is capable of attracting a loyal audience. 
  • Digital creators are trendsetters who diversify content, boost the economy, amplify brands, provide edutainment, and advocate for meaningful causes, shaping and reflecting our digital culture and society.
  • From advertising to affiliate marketing and merchandise, there are multiple opportunities for digital creators to generate revenue.
  • Influencer marketing is a strategic approach to promotion using influential individuals, while digital content creation is a broader field involving the creation of digital content, irrespective of promotional intent.
  • Successful digital creation involves building an authentic brand, creating engaging content, and attracting an online community, among other monetizing and optimization strategies.

What Is a Digital Creator?

Digital creators primarily focus on producing online content, such as images, videos, and written text, and sharing it across their platforms, with platforms like YouTube and TikTok being optimal for reaching large audiences.

The rising popularity of digital creation stems from the numerous opportunities to earn a living. As a digital creator, you can earn money from the audience you have cultivated around your content.

For example, you can generate revenue through:

  • Brand partnerships
  • Advertising 
  • Merchandise
  • Paid content on platforms like Patreon  

Considering their revenue-generating capabilities and audience reach, it is no wonder that digital creators are becoming increasingly important in the world we live in today. But, why exactly is this so? Let’s find out!      

Why Are Digital Creators Important?

Ever scrolled endlessly on YouTube or been captivated by an article that popped up on your feed? That’s the magic of digital creators. They’re behind the engaging videos, riveting articles, and eye-catching graphics we consume daily.

1. Setting Trends

Digital creators aren’t just content makers; they’re trendsetters. They’ve got their fingers on the pulse of what’s hot and what’s next, often driving the cultural and digital narratives we get wrapped up in.

Firstly, they introduce a rich diversity of content, from videos to articles, catering to a vast array of audience preferences. This ensures that viewers constantly encounter fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, making the digital space more engaging. 

2. Powering the Economy 

Digital creators are serious business catalysts. In fact, Statista reports that the global influencer market has grown from $16.4 billion in 2022 to $21 billion in 2023, marking a doubling in size since 2019.

They not only generate revenue through avenues like advertisements and partnerships but also create job opportunities in sectors like content production and marketing. 

Their collaborations with brands provide a genuine way for businesses to reach specific audiences, enhancing brand perception and driving sales. This brings us to our next point…

3. Spotlighting Brands 

If you’re a brand looking for a voice, digital creators are your go-to. Collaborations with them aren’t just about plastering a logo. It’s about genuine connections, reaching audiences who matter, and dialing up brand love.

4. Bringing Edutainment to the Masses

Ever learned a complex concept through a fun video? Or picked up a hobby because of a blog post? Digital creators are bridging the gap between education and entertainment. 

But they’re not just about sharing knowledge; they’re creating online communities where like-minded souls connect, discuss, and grow together.

5. Advocating for Meaningful Causes

Lastly, many creators use their influence for good, championing social causes and advocating for positive societal change. In sum, digital creators are instrumental in both shaping and reflecting our digital culture, economy, and society.

Key Takeaways – The Positive Impacts of Digital Creators:

  • Digital creators diversify online content with innovative ideas and fresh perspectives.
  • They lead cultural and digital trends, shaping how content is consumed.
  • Economically, they generate revenue, create jobs, and enhance brand perception through collaborations.
  • They offer educational content across various domains, fostering continuous learning.
  • Digital creators build communities around shared interests.
  • Many champion social causes, advocating for positive societal change.

How to Become a Digital Creator

Making use of online media to become a full-time digital creator is not necessarily an easy journey. It involves a lot of ups and downs and being in tune with what is trending at any given moment. 

However, this journey is not impossible. 

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to become a successful digital creator:

  1. Find your niche
  2. Build your brand
  3. Set SMART goals 
  4. Choose your platform(s)
  5. Generate engaging content
  6. Be flexible with your content creation
  7. Build a community
  8. Monetize your content
  9. Grasp SEO and analytics
  10. Leverage the power of collaborations

1. Find Your Niche

The first thing you need to ask yourself is what will you be focusing on, and what will you bring new to the table. Finding a niche that you are passionate about can be a great stepping stone toward a successful digital creator career. 

After all, if you are clear on the type of content you want to deliver, your audience will know what to expect as well. It is an easy way to quickly build a loyal following.

A couple of questions you should be asking yourself are: 

  • What topic am I passionate about and can quickly become an expert on?
  • What niche is more suited to my interests and provides the most benefits in terms of revenue streams? 
  • What is of interest now and people want to see? 

These questions tackle how your experience, interests, and audience needs intersect and provide a framework for pinpointing your niche. 

The intersection of experience, interests and audience needs that represents one's niche

Image source

While identifying a niche is crucial, delving deeper can often be more beneficial. For instance, within the broader fashion niche, focusing on “sustainable fashion for college students” or “upcycling old outfits” can provide a unique edge. As a creator gains traction, they can then branch out.

2. Build Your Brand

As an aspiring digital creator, you’ll want to build your brand and online presence around YOU. Authenticity and staying true to your values and beliefs are crucial when you want to establish yourself in the online world. 

By sharing your perspective on various topics and not being afraid to show your personality in the process, it will be much easier to connect with your audience and build trust with your followers. 

Here are some tips for building an authentic brand as a digital creator:

  • Story-driven content: Share personal stories or experiences that reveal why you started your journey.
  • Visual consistency: Use a consistent color palette, fonts, and themes across all content platforms.
  • Audio and video signatures: Adopt unique intros or sign-offs for your multimedia content.
  • Engage in thought leadership: Share innovative insights about your niche, positioning yourself as an authority.
  • Micro-moments: Offer quick value through short content snippets like Instagram Stories, Reels, or TikTok videos.
  • Selective collaboration: Partner with brands or individuals that truly align with your brand values.
  • Brand lexicon: Develop signature phrases or a unique way of expressing things.

3. Set SMART Goals

We mentioned earlier that one key factor to success is continuous improvement. A simple way you can ensure you are always going forward is by setting clear goals to achieve.

For example, one of your goals can be to increase your Instagram followers by 20% until a certain date. In order to keep yourself focused and reach this objective, you should set SMART goals. 

Here are the main characteristics of SMART goals: 

  • Specific and well-defined
  • Easily measurable and can be tracked with numbers
  • Achievable — be realistic with what you can do
  • Relevant to your end purpose
  • Defined by a target date for the goal to be completed

4. Choose Your Platform(s)

Did you know that the average content creator uses 3.4 channels for audience engagement? If that tells us something is that less is more when it comes to spreading your presence across different channels.

To be in control of your digital content creator career you have to make strategic and intentional choices, one of which is selecting the platforms that match your niche, target audience, and aspirations.

Here’s how to determine what platforms are best for you as a content creator:

  • Consider the target audience of each platform: While standard metrics like age, location, and interests are vital, the true game-changer is understanding how your audience uses each platform and the content they prefer.
  • Take content lifespan into consideration: Platforms like Twitter have a very short content lifespan, while platforms like YouTube or Pinterest have longer-lasting content. Determine whether you want to create content that remains evergreen or leans into the ephemerality of the platform.
  • Identify platforms that match your niche community: Beyond mainstream platforms, there are niche communities and platforms tailored to specific audiences. For instance, Behance for designers or ResearchGate for academics. Positioning your content on such platforms can give you an edge in reaching a very targeted audience.
  • Observe platform monetization models: Some platforms are more conducive to monetization than others. Whether it’s through direct ad revenue, affiliate marketing, or sponsored content opportunities, choose platforms that align with your monetization goals.
  • Test with micro-content: Before committing to a platform, test the waters by sharing micro-content. This allows you to gauge audience reactions, platform algorithms, and the organic reach potential.
  • Ensure you comply with applicable data privacy laws: Data privacy laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) apply to blogs and other digital content, so make sure you’re compliant so you don’t get fined. You’ll need a privacy policy and cookie consent solution. These resources are also required to use features like Google AdSense or Analytics. As an added benefit, prioritizing data privacy also helps build and maintain trust with website visitors, making it a win-win.

Pro Tip: Start using SocialBee to learn more about your target audience’s demographics and find out how quickly your follower base is growing on each social media platform. Besides this, you can also leverage the platform to evaluate your overall page growth across all your channels and keep an eye on your content performance with ease.  

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5. Generate Engaging Content

You’ve found your niche, you know your values and expertise, and you have a plan on how to build your personal brand. Job done right? Not quite. Now you are at the stage of what you actually set out to do in the first place — create content. 

It is important not to feel discouraged if, at the start, what you produce is not perfect or it doesn’t reach the goals you set for yourself. Just remember — practice makes perfect! 

Keep notes of your creative process and analyze what works and what doesn’t. Continuous improvement is key to success in many other industries, so why not content creation too?

Of course, there will be days when you are stuck and can’t seem to create the right content to engage with your audience. Should a lack of inspiration occur, there’s no need to panic. With SocialBee’s AI post generator, you can get your creative juices flowing in no time.   

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Elevate your content creation with the following tips:

  • Embrace imperfection as signs of authenticity: Contrary to the polished, picture-perfect content often seen, showing vulnerability, mistakes, and the “behind-the-scenes” of your process can make you more relatable and trustworthy to your audience.
  • Limit trend-chasing: While leveraging trends can provide short-term boosts, it’s not always sustainable. Building evergreen content, even if it’s not currently “trending”, can result in long-term traction and organic growth.
  • Repurpose “failed” content: Just because a piece of content didn’t perform well initially doesn’t mean it’s worthless. You can repurpose, update, or tweak it, and it might resonate differently at a later time or on a different platform.
  • Don’t over-optimize for SEO: While SEO is vital, obsessing over keyword stuffing can degrade content quality. Write for humans first, search engines second.
  • Make the most out of your niche: Going hyper-niche, and focusing on an incredibly specific area of your industry, can sometimes help you become the go-to expert in that micro-domain.
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6. Be Flexible with Your Content Creation

While starting with a particular platform or medium is great, creators shouldn’t shy away from exploring others. Sometimes, a shift from blogging to podcasts or vice versa can invigorate content and attract a broader audience.

Pro Tip: Experiment by repurposing content. A blog post can be turned into a podcast episode, infographic, or a series of social media posts. Platforms like Anchor for podcasts or Canva for graphics can be helpful tools.

7. Build a Community

Successful content creation is not just about broadcasting messages. It’s crucial to engage with audiences by responding to comments, direct messages, or emails. This fosters a sense of community and loyalty.

Dedicate a specific time daily or weekly to interact with your audience. Use tools like Instagram polls, Twitter Q&A sessions, or even simple comment replies to foster community engagement.

Pro Tip: Centralize all your community management in one place: SocialBee. Monitor and engage with your social media mentions, comments, and DMs without the hassle of switching from platform to platform.

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8. Monetize Your Content

As their business is online, there is no shortage of ways for digital creators to generate revenue

Here’s how digital creators make money:

  • Creating content for third-parties
    • Writers, for example, can create content for blogs or social media posts for different brands. Other digital creators such as graphic designers or videographers can also command substantial fees for their deliverables to various brands they collaborate with. 
  • Revenue generated from advertising
    • This is a popular and reliable source of income for YouTubers or bloggers. If you are interested in this type of monetization, check out our blog post on how you can generate revenue from your YouTube channel.   
  • Selling their own products
    • Digital creators create content in a myriad of ways that are sure to generate cash. For instance, they can sell e-books, courses, pictures, and even merchandise to turn a profit. 
  • Affiliate marketing
    • A popular form of earning a commission for digital creators who are happy to recommend products and services in their content. Using a unique-to-them link, they get paid for each customer who makes a purchase through it.

Now that we know what is at the essence of a digital creator, why are they important in our modern society, and how they generate revenue, let’s turn our attention and find out how you can become one.

9. Grasp SEO and Analytics

A basic understanding of SEO and analytics can significantly amplify content visibility. 

It begins with keyword research to pinpoint terms your audience is actively seeking. Incorporating these keywords naturally into titles, descriptions, and tags can significantly improve content discoverability.

Visual elements, such as thumbnails, should be engaging and optimized with relevant keywords in filenames and alt-text. 

Furthermore, creators should also be proactive in internal linking, promoting their content ecosystem, and keeping audiences engaged longer. 

As platforms update their search algorithms, staying informed and adaptable is crucial. Regularly analyzing performance metrics and refining SEO strategies ensures a steady flow of organic traffic, establishing authority in one’s niche over time.

10. Leverage the Power of Collaborations

Collaborating with other creators isn’t merely about extending reach. It often brings fresh perspectives, introduces varied content techniques, and offers learning opportunities.

Reach out to creators whose content complements yours. Propose collaboration ideas, from joint live sessions to guest posts or co-hosted events. 

For example, we at SocialBee, love to leverage our collaborations for the benefit of our audience. How? By organizing regular webinars with experts and partnering up to provide insights that are tailored to address the current challenges and needs of our community. 

Our webinars get broadcast live to encourage direct interaction between us and our audience, but they can also be watched retroactively on our YouTube channel.

If webinars are not your cup of tea, then there are plenty of other ways to make the most out of your partnerships.

Here’s how you can collaborate with other fellow content creators:

  • Content swaps: Exchange content with another creator for mutual promotion.
    • If you’re a blogger, write a guest post for another website and vice versa. This introduces both audiences to fresh voices and perspectives.
  • Joint tutorials or workshops: Co-create educational content that benefits both audiences.
    • If you’re skilled in video editing and another creator excels in scriptwriting, conduct a workshop together on creating compelling video content.
  • Interviews: Use interviews as a way to tap into each other’s expertise.
    • Host a podcast or a video series where you interview other creators, allowing each fanbase to learn and possibly cross-follow.
  • Challenges or Contests: Engage both audiences with interactive content.
    • Initiate a 30-day content creation challenge or a contest where followers from both sides can participate and win prizes.
  • Collaborative Giveaways: Boost mutual engagement and increase followers.
    • Organize a joint giveaway where participants need to follow both creators or engage with both channels to qualify.

Case Study: Adam Ragusea

Adam Ragusea is a journalist, educator, and digital creator recognized for his culinary tutorials on YouTube, where he has amassed over 2 million subscribers as of 2023. 

Adam Ragusea YouTube channel

Adam’s content stands out for its meticulous production and his ability to elucidate intricate culinary concepts effortlessly. 

On his YouTube channel, he often blends his journalistic approach with culinary exploration, providing viewers with not only the “how” of cooking but also the “why” behind various techniques and ingredients. This combination of food and factual storytelling has made his content distinct and appealing to a wide range of viewers.

Alongside his YouTube endeavors, he has authored a cookbook and headlined a cooking series on Netflix.

Lessons from Adam Ragusea’s Career

Even though you are not planning to delve into the culinary side of content creation, there are still great insights to discover from Adam’s career.

Unique Perspective 

Adam Ragusea’s background in journalism gives him a unique angle from which to approach topics. He often delves into the history, science, and reasoning behind recipes rather than just presenting them.


Adam presents himself in a genuine and relatable manner. He doesn’t try to create a polished, TV-chef image, but rather focuses on the real experiences and challenges one might face in the kitchen.

Educational Content

Many of Adam Ragusea’s videos don’t just show how to cook something; they explain why certain methods work. This educational approach appeals to viewers who want to understand the science and history behind their food.


Like many successful content creators, Adam posts content regularly: two new videos each week on top of his weekly podcast episodes.

Adam Ragusea list of YouTube videos

Consistency has definitely helped him build and maintain a dedicated viewership.

Audience Participation

He often reads and responds to comments, and sometimes even makes videos based on viewer feedback or questions. 

Adam Ragusea ask adam series playlist

In fact, he has an entire category of lengthy videos called “Ask Adam” dedicated to answering fan questions in detail.

High-Quality Production

Even though his videos have a casual and genuine feel, they are well-produced with clear audio, good video quality, and coherent editing that enhances the viewer experience.

Another notable mention is that he also has customized intros and gingles that are catchy and easily recognizable to his audience. 

Diverse Content 

While primarily focused on cooking, he doesn’t restrict himself to just recipes, providing a broad range of content about food history and science, kitchen tips, Q&As, taste tests, and comprehensive podcasts.


Adan has collaborated with other YouTubers and experts in the field, helping to expand his reach and introduce his content to new audiences. He especially enjoys inviting guests to his podcast and leveraging this long content format to provide more informational value.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Anyone Be a Digital Creator?

Thanks to the internet and freely available technology, anyone can be a digital creator if they have an inclination toward this field. With the right skills and tools, you can set up shop with minimum investment and start growing your brand in no time. 

2. Is Being a Digital Creator a Career?

As careers go, being a digital creator sure is a rewarding one. As you build your brand and message across your social media channels, you have the unique opportunity to share your perspective with the world. 

Considering the numerous monetization opportunities, which we discussed in the article, apart from rewarding, digital content creation can be a lucrative career as well.

3. What Are the Differences Between Influencer Marketing and Digital Content Creation?

While there’s an overlap between influencer marketing and digital content creation, the former is a subset of the latter. Influencer marketing is a strategic approach to promotion using influential individuals, while digital content creation is a broader field involving the creation of digital content, irrespective of promotional intent.

Are You Ready to Start Creating Content?

Seeing as you made it to the end of the article, it must mean you are truly invested in the idea of pursuing a career in digital content creation.

Considering that, as a digital creator, you get to share with your followers your unique perspective on our society, you can make a real difference in your little corner of the online world. 

If you also take into account the numerous monetization opportunities, you can make content creation a full-time job. 

Getting started requires following just a few simple steps such as finding your niche, building your brand around your values, using social media channels to get your engaging content out there, and setting yourself SMART goals to ensure continuous improvement. 

So, if you are convinced this is the way forward for you, then create high-quality content with SocialBee as your go-to ally for all of your social media content creation needs. 

Get started today and take advantage of our 14-day free trial to see how easy you can be a digital creator with SocialBee!  

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Picture of Alexandra

Content writer at SocialBee

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