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About us and our social media management dream: SocialBee

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SocialBee founders

Ovi, Vlad and Tzu

SocialBee Co-Founders

“For our previous startup, we were using social media to grow our audience and share content across multiple channels. We had to use several tools that didn’t communicate well with each other.

We thought there must be a better way. When we did not find one, we decided to build one ourselves. SocialBee was founded on our need to share our growing library of evergreen content across all our social profiles, grow our audience, and engage with it, and attract leads.

We hope SocialBee will empower you to use Social Media at its maximum potential and that it will enable you to grow your business online – faster and easier. Keep buzzing!”

Picture of Ovi, Vlad and Tzu

Ovi, Vlad and Tzu

SocialBee Co-Founders

SocialBee founders

“For our previous startup, we were using social media to grow our audience and share content across multiple channels. We had to use several tools that didn’t communicate well with each other.

We thought there must be a better way. When we did not find one, we decided to build one ourselves. SocialBee was founded on our need to share our growing library of evergreen content across all our social profiles, grow our audience, and engage with it, and attract leads.

We hope SocialBee will empower you to use Social Media at its maximum potential and that it will enable you to grow your business online – faster and easier. Keep buzzing!”

Our values (ORBIT)

At SocialBee, our values aren't just buzzwords, they guide everything we do.


Yes, it’s a made-up word. Who says we can’t do that? It shows we’re innovative, creative, digital savvy, and willing to take risks.

Avatar Network


We act like owners. We treat our customers’ businesses as our own – with attention, care, and by putting their best interest first.


“Stagnation does not exist in the universe.” – S. Siebold. We choose continuous learning, always improving our skills, and growing as individuals.


We show respect towards ourselves, our colleagues, and our customers. And demand the same respect in return.


We’re reliable, honest, and trustful. We trust each other and you can trust us. When we agree to do something, you can consider it done.

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Meet the team

Get to know the skilled professionals that make SocialBee better every day.

SocialBee team photo collage

Loved by thousands of brands around the world

Jobs in football
Jockey club
Washington university
Lehigh university
Slow cooker club
John scott real estate
Rainforest rescue
Restaurant supply
Beaufort hotel
Dublin Bus
Charles university
American legal publishing
Compass logo

Our exciting journey so far

Discover the impactful moments that shaped us into the hive we are today.

June 2016
SocialBee launched
It all started with a few Spreadsheets from Vlad's, (our CTO) apartment. The rest is history.
June 2016
May 2017
Minority investment
Philipp Kandal, one of our customers, became a minority investor and helped us grow.
May 2017
October 2018
Vlad (aka Tzu) joined as COO
Vlad joined the team as a COO & partner and used his experience to build our team.
October 2018
June 2019
New office
When we hit the 3-year mark, we moved to a larger office with our team of 9 people.
June 2019
March 2020
Fully-remote team
We decided to operate as a remote-first company and offer more flexibility.
March 2020
February 2021
Started working on ACE
We started working on our "sister" brand, ACE - a suite of tools to help you scale your business.
February 2021
August 2021
Growing team
We reached a major milestone in our growth, with 25 core team members and 50+ concierge freelancers.
August 2021
November 2021
Launched ACE Meetings
We launched our first ACE product: ACE Meetings - an online appointment booking solution.
November 2021
August 2023
Launched ConciergeBee
Our Concierge Services are now an agency on its own having served 1,000 happy clients.
August 2023

The hive making headlines: our media appearances

Honey, we’re famous! Learn about SocialBee’s mission and values from interviews and publications.

Website Planet Logo
Mixergy logo
Neal Schaffer logo

Top-rated platform

Acknowledged by top professionals in the industry

G2 Spring 2024 SocialBee badge
G2 Spring 2024 SocialBee badge
G2 Spring 2024 SocialBee badge
G2 Spring 2024 SocialBee badge

Get in touch

Do you want to get in touch with us? There are a few ways you can do that:

Email us

You can always email us at

Let’s chat

Got questions? Hit the chat icon, bottom right – from our app or website.

Book a call

Do you want a platform demo or need support? Book a free call.

Level up your social media game with exclusive resources delivered straight to your inbox

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Out of post ideas? Get our social media calendar

Access 500+ content ideas, post examples, and Canva templates.

Use SocialBee’s Free AI Post Generator to create content for your social media profiles.

Use SocialBee’s Free AI Post Generator to create content for your social media profiles.

🎙️ Customizable tone of voice ❤️ Several variations to choose from 📄 1,000 pre-made AI prompts