outsource social media marketing

Should You Outsource Your Social Media Marketing?

Picture of Written by Andra
Written by Andra

Content Writer at SocialBee

The question of whether to outsource social media marketing looms large for many businesses. 

With the ever-growing importance of social media in shaping brand perception and customer engagement, making the right choice can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving. This dilemma is particularly pressing for businesses striving to maintain a competitive edge on social media while managing resources efficiently.

This article aims to shed light on the intricacies of deciding to outsource social media marketing or include social media automation tools in your day-to-day practices, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its benefits and potential pitfalls. 

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Short Summary

  • Outsourcing social media marketing can significantly reduce costs associated with an in-house team, such as salaries, benefits, and training. It also saves time by delegating time-intensive tasks like content creation, engagement, and analytics to experts, allowing businesses to focus on core operations.
  • External agencies and freelancers bring a wealth of knowledge and innovative strategies from their experience across various industries. This expertise ensures that social media strategies are effective, up-to-date with the latest trends, and tailored to engage target audiences effectively.
  • Outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale social media efforts up or down based on business needs and seasonal fluctuations. This adaptability ensures that the social media strategy remains aligned with the company’s growth and changes in the market.
  • Businesses can outsource a wide range of social media tasks, including content creation, strategy development, community management, analytics, ad campaign management, and influencer partnerships. This comprehensive approach enhances the brand’s online presence, engagement, and overall digital marketing objectives.
  • Before outsourcing social media marketing, businesses should define their marketing goals, develop a social media strategy, determine a budget, and explore outsourcing options (freelancers, agencies, or social media management tools).

What Is Social Media Outsourcing?

Social media outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring external agencies, freelancers, or consultants to manage a company’s social media activities.  

This includes a wide range of tasks such as content creation, scheduling, and publishing posts, engaging with audiences, monitoring social media metrics, and strategizing campaigns to enhance brand presence and engagement across various social media platforms.

The goal is to achieve the company’s marketing and communication objectives more efficiently.

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing Social Media Marketing?

Outsourcing social media marketing has become a strategic choice for businesses aiming to enhance their online presence while optimizing operational efficiencies. The decision to delegate this crucial aspect of digital marketing to external experts can unlock numerous advantages. 

Below are the key benefits of outsourcing social media marketing:

  • Reduce costs: Outsourcing can lower additional costs by eliminating the need for an in-house team’s salaries, benefits, and training, making it a cost-effective solution, particularly for smaller businesses.
  • Save time: It frees up internal resources, allowing businesses to focus on core activities while experts manage the time-intensive tasks of content creation, engagement, and analytics.
  • Scale your digital marketing: External agencies offer the flexibility to scale efforts up or down as business needs change, ensuring that your social media strategy adapts seamlessly to growth or seasonal fluctuations.
  • Embrace fresh ideas: External experts bring innovative perspectives and strategies from working across industries, injecting creativity and fresh approaches into your campaigns.
  • Get access to instant expertise: Instantly tap into the knowledge and skills of social media professionals who are adept at navigating the platform’s complexities, ensuring your strategy is both effective and aligned with the latest trends.

What Are Some of the Social Media Tasks You Can Outsource?

Outsourcing social media tasks can include content creation, community management, strategy development, and analytics.

This approach allows for professional handling of posting, engagement, campaign planning, and performance analysis to enhance online presence and audience interaction.

Here are some of the key social media tasks that companies commonly outsource to external experts:

  1. Content creation: This includes the development of various types of content such as posts, graphics, videos, and long-from content tailored for social media platforms. Outsourcing content creation ensures your feed remains vibrant and engaging, reflecting the latest trends and your brand’s voice.
  2. Content scheduling and publishing: Planning and scheduling posts in advance to maintain a consistent presence on social media can be time-consuming. External agencies can manage these tasks efficiently, using specialized tools to optimize posting times for maximum engagement.
  3. Strategy development: Developing a comprehensive social media marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals requires expertise. Outsourced teams can conduct market research, competitor analysis, and use insights to craft a strategy that enhances visibility and engagement.
  4. Community management: Engaging with your audience through comments, messages, and reviews is crucial but demanding. Outsourcing allows for timely and professional interactions, building a positive community around your brand.
  5. Analytics and reporting: Monitoring performance metrics and analyzing data to understand the impact of your social media activities is essential for measuring success. External experts can provide detailed reports and insights, helping to refine strategies and improve ROI.
  6. Ad campaign management: Designing, executing, and monitoring social media ad campaigns requires specific skills and knowledge of the platform’s advertising tools. Outsourced professionals can manage this process, ensuring targeted and effective ad campaigns.
  7. Influencer partnerships: Identifying and negotiating collaborations with influencers to expand your brand’s reach can be managed by agencies with existing relationships and expertise in influencer marketing.

What to Consider When You Outsource Social Media Marketing

Before you start outsourcing your social marketing activities, each business owner should consider what they want to achieve with their brand’s social media presence.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering outsourcing your social media efforts:

  1. What are your social media marketing goals?
  2. Do you have a social media strategy?
  3. Will you outsource all of your social media accounts?
  4. What’s your budget for outsourcing social media?
  5. What are your social media outsourcing options?

1. What Are Your Social Media Marketing Goals?

When setting your social media marketing goals, it’s crucial to identify what you hope to achieve through your online presence. These goals will guide your content strategy, help you allocate resources effectively, and provide a framework for measuring success. 

Here are five social media goal examples for brands:

  • Increase brand awareness: Make more people aware of your brand, its values, and what it offers. This involves growing your follower base and increasing the visibility of your posts.
    • Example: “Increase referral traffic from Facebook by 40% in six months by using targeted social media campaigns
  • Boost engagement: Enhance the level of interaction with your audience. This means more likes, comments, shares, and overall engagement with your content.
    • Example: “Double the average comments per post by the end of Q2 by initiating more community-driven and interactive content.”
  • Generate leads and sales: Convert your social media followers into leads for your business, ultimately driving sales. 
    • Example: “Achieve a 20% increase in lead generation from social media platforms by implementing a series of targeted promotions and product showcases.”
  • Enhance market intelligence and gain insights: Gather data on customer preferences, behaviors, and trends through social media interactions and analytics.
    • Example: “Use social media listening tools to identify and track emerging trends in our industry, informing our product development strategy.”

By clearly defining your social media marketing goals, you can tailor your strategies to meet these objectives, ensuring that every post, campaign, and interaction brings you closer to achieving your overall business aims.

2. Do You Have a Social Media Strategy?

If you don’t currently have a social media strategy, establishing one should be your first step when you decide to outsource your social media marketing.

A comprehensive strategy is the backbone of effective social media management, guiding every post, campaign, and interaction with your audience. 

It ensures that the external team or individual you hire can align their efforts with your broader business objectives, brand voice, and target audience preferences. 

Working closely with your outsourcing partner to develop your social media strategy is crucial. The more active a role you take in this process, the more tailored the strategy will be to your specific business needs and goals.

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Your input is invaluable because you have the deepest understanding of your brand, your industry, and your customers.

Here are some key things to define for your social strategy:

  • Business goals: Clearly communicate your overarching business goals to ensure the social media strategy supports them directly.
  • Target audience: Share insights into who your customers are. Define audience segments to ensure the content resonates and engages effectively.
  • Brand voice and identity: Your brand’s personality should be consistent across all channels. Work with your partner to ensure they understand how to communicate in a way that reflects your brand accurately.
  • Content themes: Decide on the mix of content that will be shared. This might include promotional content, educational posts, user-generated content, and more. Ensure the themes align with your audience’s interests and your business objectives.
  • Platform strategy: Not every platform suits every business. Decide which platforms are most relevant based on where your target audience spends their time and where your content is most likely to thrive.
  • Engagement strategy: Determine how you will interact with your audience. This includes responding to comments, the tone of interactions, and how to encourage user engagement.
  • Performance metrics: Agree on which metrics you’ll track to measure the success of your social media efforts. These could include engagement rates, follower growth, website traffic from social media, and conversion rates.

Even after the initial strategy is developed, your involvement is key to its success. Regularly review performance data with your outsourcing partner, discuss what’s working and what isn’t, and adjust the strategy as needed.

This iterative process ensures your social media marketing remains effective and aligned with your evolving business goals.

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3. Will You Outsource All of Your Social Media Accounts?

When deciding whether to outsource all of your social media accounts, consider both the advantages and the potential challenges. This decision significantly impacts how your brand’s voice and presence are managed online.

Here are some points to ponder when thinking if you should outsource all of your accounts:

A. Advantages of Outsourcing All Social Media Accounts

  • Professional expertise: Agencies and freelancers specializing in social media bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to your campaigns, potentially elevating your brand’s presence more effectively than in-house efforts might.
  • Consistency across channels: Outsourcing all accounts ensures a unified brand voice and cohesive content strategy across all platforms, essential for brand recognition and engagement.
  • Time and resource savings: Managing social media effectively can be time-consuming. Outsourcing frees up your internal resources to focus on core business activities.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, a professional social media team can more easily scale your social media efforts to match your expanding needs without the need for you to hire more staff.
  • Access to advanced tools and insights: Social media professionals often have access to premium tools for scheduling, analytics, and engagement tracking, which can provide deeper insights and efficiencies than standard or free platforms.

B. Challenges and Considerations of Outsourcing All Social Media Accounts

  • Cost: Outsourcing can be a significant investment. It’s important to weigh the potential ROI against the costs to ensure it aligns with your marketing budget.
  • Loss of personal touch: While professionals can replicate your brand voice, the personal insights and spontaneous interactions from the business owner or in-house team can sometimes be lost.
  • Communication: Ensuring clear, ongoing communication with your outsourced team is vital but can sometimes be challenging, especially if they are handling multiple accounts.
  • Quality control: You’ll need to establish a system for reviewing and approving content and strategies to ensure they meet your standards and align with your brand values.

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If you choose not to outsource, or if you decide to manage some aspects in-house, utilizing AI-powered social media marketing tools like SocialBee can significantly streamline your company’s social media presence by helping you create, schedule, and edit your social media content from one place.

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4. What’s Your Budget for Outsourcing Social Media?

Determining your budget for outsourcing social media requires a careful balance between understanding the market rates for these services and aligning them with your financial capabilities and business objectives

It’s crucial to recognize that the investment in outsourcing will vary widely based on the agency or freelancer’s expertise, the complexity of your social media needs, and the specific goals you aim to achieve through your online presence.

An effective approach involves researching average costs while keeping in mind the unique aspects of your project.

A practical step to determining a social media management budget is to create a list that outlines:

  • Average monthly costs: Research the typical range for social media management services to get a ballpark figure. On average, freelancer rates can range from $14 to $35 per hour for basic services like content creation and curation, scheduling, account optimization, engagement with followers, and basic analytics monitoring. 
  • ovider’s reputation and the depth of services offered.
  • Expected outcomes: Clearly define what success looks like for your social media efforts. Whether it’s increased engagement, higher web traffic, or more leads, having clear objectives will help you assess the value you’re getting for your investment.
  • Ad spend allocation: Don’t forget to account for any additional costs related to paid social media advertising, which is often a separate expense from management fees.

Incorporating these considerations into your budgeting process will not only help you set a realistic budget for outsourcing your social media.

Remember, the aim is not just to minimize costs but to maximize the return on your investment by enhancing your brand’s presence on social media, engaging with your audience more effectively, and achieving your desired outcomes. 

Regularly reviewing your budget against the performance and adjusting based on results and changing business needs will keep your social media strategy both cost-effective and impactful.

5. What Are Your Social Media Outsourcing Options?

When exploring your options for outsourcing social media marketing, it’s essential to understand the different avenues available.

Broadly, your choices fall into three categories: freelancers, agencies, and social media management tools. Each option comes with its unique set of advantages, catering to various business sizes, budgets, and levels of required involvement.

1. Social Media Freelancers

Freelancers are social media marketers that offer a flexible and often cost-effective solution for social media management. They are ideal for businesses looking for specialized skills or needing to scale their social media efforts up or down quickly. 

Freelancers can provide personalized attention to your brand’s needs, offering services ranging from content creation to full-scale social media strategy and execution.

Here are some popular platforms and strategies for finding skilled social media freelancers:

  • Upwork: A vast freelance marketplace where you can search for social media professionals by skill, rating, and specialization. Upwork facilitates the hiring process with tools for proposals, billing, and communication.
  • Fiverr: Known for offering a wide range of services starting at relatively low prices, Fiverr allows businesses to explore different freelancers offering social media services, from content creation to full campaign management.
  • LinkedIn: Leveraging your professional network on LinkedIn can lead to valuable freelancer connections. LinkedIn’s search and posting capabilities allow you to find freelancers who come with endorsements and a professional history.
  • Industry forums and communities: Niche forums and online communities related to digital marketing and social media are often frequented by professionals offering their services. Engaging in these spaces can help you discover freelancers who are well-versed in the specific areas of social media you’re interested in targeting.
  • Referrals: Sometimes, the best way to find a reliable freelancer is through a referral from business associates, partners, or other connections within your industry who have had successful social media outsourcing experiences.
  • ConciergeBee: Offering personalized assistance in finding the right social media freelancers for your needs, ConciergeBee takes a hands-on approach to match you with professionals. By understanding your specific project requirements and objectives, they can connect you with vetted freelancers who have the skills and experience to help your social media efforts succeed.

The typical expense of working with an expert social manager for a social media campaign ranges from $4,000 to $7,000 monthly, with potential increases exceeding $20,000.

However, for smaller tasks, such as social media content creation only, you should expect to pay around $200 – $400 on a monthly basis.

2. Social Media Marketing Agencies

Social media agencies bring a team of experts to manage your social media presence comprehensively. They offer a wide range of services, including strategy development, content creation, community management, analytics, and paid advertising. 

Here are some things to consider if you choose to work with a social media marketing company:

  • Specialization: Look for an agency that specializes in your business niche or has extensive experience in your industry. Their understanding of your market can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your social media campaigns.
  • Client portfolio: Consider the size and type of companies the agency usually works with. An agency experienced in working with businesses similar in size to yours, or one that has successfully managed campaigns for larger companies, might offer the scalability or expertise you’re looking for.
  • Cost structure: Agencies have varying cost structures based on the scope of services provided. It’s crucial to discuss and understand their budget requirements upfront to ensure they align with your financial planning for social media marketing.

Focusing on these aspects will help you identify an agency that not only fits your budget but also understands the nuances of your industry and has a track record of successfully collaborating with companies at your scale.

Agency-based social media management typically ranges from $100 to $5,000 per month, and hourly rates fall between $1 and $50.

3. Social Media Management Tools

When considering social media management tools, it’s important to understand the range of features they offer to streamline your social media strategy effectively. These tools are designed to save time, enhance content quality, and provide valuable insights into your social media performance. 

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For businesses looking for a more hands-on approach or needing to supplement their existing efforts, social media management tools like SocialBee offer a compelling solution. 

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Here are some other features that make SocialBee a great ally for social media managers:

  • Comprehensive platform integration: Supports a wide range of platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Threads, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Pinterest, Bluesky, Google Business Profile, TikTok, and YouTube.
  • Integrated design tools: Direct integrations with Canva, Unsplash, and GIPHY for creating compelling visuals within the platform.
  • AI-powered content creation: Features an AI Post Generator for automatically crafting engaging captions and images.
  • Content categorization: Allows for the organization of posts into categories for a balanced content strategy.
  • Automated content import: Enables linking to RSS Feeds for automatic content retrieval and sharing.
  • Customizable posts: Offers tools to tailor content for each social media network, optimizing for platform-specific audience engagement.
  • Smart hashtag generation: Automatically generates relevant hashtags based on images or captions to enhance discoverability.
  • Content recycling and expiration: Facilitates the recycling of evergreen content and setting expiration dates for time-sensitive posts.
  • Structured posting schedule: Provides a calendar-like interface for planning and scheduling posts across all profiles.
  • Content overview: Gives a quick glance at the upcoming 100 social media posts, aiding in strategic planning.
  • Collaboration features: Supports multiple workspaces and team collaboration for streamlined management.
  • Link performance tracking: Integrates with over 5+ URL Shorteners for detailed tracking of link engagement and performance.
  • Analytics and growth monitoring: Offers tools to analyze account growth and individual post performance, informing strategy adjustments.
  • Direct engagement tools: Allows for engagement with followers’ comments or mentions directly from the platform, improving interaction and response times.

These features, offered by modern social media management tools, equip businesses with the capabilities needed to manage their social media presence more effectively, allowing for better planning, execution, and optimization of their social media strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it Better to Outsource Social Media Management or Have It In-House?

Outsourcing can be more cost-effective and bring specialized expertise, ideal for companies without the resources for a full-time team. In contrast, in-house management offers greater control and alignment with your brand, suitable for businesses that prioritize direct oversight and have the necessary resources.

2. Is Outsourcing Marketing Cheaper?

Outsourcing marketing can be cheaper than maintaining an in-house team, primarily due to the reduced overhead costs. 

There’s no need for expenses related to hiring, salaries, benefits, continuous training, and purchasing the latest tools and software. However, the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing also depends on the scope of services required and the agency or freelancer’s rates. 

For some businesses, particularly those with extensive, ongoing marketing needs, the cost differences might narrow, making in-house solutions comparably beneficial.

3. Should I Outsource to a Social Media Marketing Agency or Work with Freelancers?

Agencies offer a full-service solution with a team of experts for large-scale campaigns and comprehensive needs, ideal for businesses facing complex challenges. Freelancers, on the other hand, provide specialized skills and flexibility for smaller projects or when specific expertise is needed, perfect for well-defined tasks or incremental scaling.

So, Will You Choose Social Media Outsourcing?

Ultimately, the choice to outsource should align with your business objectives, budget, and the level of control you wish to maintain over your social media channels. 

If you’re looking for a solution that balances autonomy with advanced social media management capabilities, leveraging a tool like SocialBee could be the ideal compromise. 

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Picture of Alexandra

Content writer at SocialBee

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