Real Estate Social Media Marketing: Expert Strategies

Real Estate Social Media Marketing: Expert Strategies

Written by Catherine Schwartz
Written by Catherine Schwartz

Guest Author

Are you leveraging real estate social media marketing to its full potential, or are you missing out on a golden opportunity to transform your business?

With an overwhelming number of homebuyers beginning their journey online, an effective social media content strategy is no longer optional for real estate agents; it’s essential. The digital landscape offers a unique platform to showcase properties, connect with potential clients, and stand out in a crowded market.

This article serves as your comprehensive guide to mastering real estate social media marketing. Packed with expert strategies and insights, it aims to enhance your online presence, providing you with the tools needed to captivate your audience and drive results. 

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Social Media for Real Estate

Short Summary

  • Create a unique social media marketing strategy that suits your real estate business model and addresses the pain points of your target market.
  • While maintaining your brand’s voice, adapt your content strategy for each social media platform to leverage their unique features and audience segments. This could mean using Instagram for stunning property images, LinkedIn for sharing your real estate expertise, and YouTube for virtual property tours.
  • High-quality, original photos and videos are essential to stand out in the real estate market. They not only make your listings more appealing but also help potential clients connect with the property.
  • Client testimonials play a vital role in building trust and credibility. By highlighting positive experiences, you not only showcase your success but also reassure potential clients of your professionalism.
  • Actively engaging with your followers by responding to comments, answering questions, and sharing valuable real estate advice helps build relationships and foster a sense of community. 

Does Your Real Estate Business Need Social Media?

The question of whether a real estate business needs a social media strategy is becoming increasingly relevant. The shift towards online platforms has transformed how businesses connect with their audience, and real estate is no exception. 

There are several reasons why a real estate agent should use social media marketing:

  • Increased visibility: Social media platforms offer a vast audience for showcasing properties, services, and brand identity. This increased visibility can help attract potential buyers, sellers, and renters.
  • Targeted advertising: Social media platforms provide sophisticated tools for targeting advertisements to specific demographics, locations, and interests, allowing real estate businesses to reach their ideal clients more effectively.
  • Engagement and relationship building: Social media facilitates direct communication and engagement with clients and prospects, helping to build trust and relationships over time. This can be particularly valuable in the real estate industry, where trust and personal connections are crucial for generating leads.
  • Market insights: Social media can provide valuable insights into market trends, client preferences, and competitive strategies through direct feedback and social listening tools. This information can inform business strategies and marketing efforts.
  • Brand building: Through consistent social media posts and engagement, every real estate professional can use social media to build and differentiate their brand identity. This can include highlighting unique selling propositions, sharing success stories, and demonstrating industry expertise.
  • Cost-effective marketing: When making a budget analysis, compared to traditional advertising mediums, social media real estate marketing can be a more cost-effective way to market properties and services, especially for smaller businesses or individual agents. 
  • SEO benefits: Active social media accounts and shared content can improve search engine optimization (SEO), making it easier for potential clients to find your business online.
  • Virtual tours and showings: Social media channels allow for creative marketing strategies, such as live virtual tours of properties, which can reach a wide audience without the limitations of physical location.

9 Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategies You Should Know

To stand out and effectively reach your target audience, it’s crucial to employ a variety of strategic approaches. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to refine your online presence or a newcomer eager to make your mark, understanding the right strategies is key to success. 

Below, we present 9 essential real estate social media marketing strategies that you should use:

  1. Know your target audience
  2. Create a different strategy for all social media platforms
  3. Upload original photos and videos
  4. Boast your testimonials
  5. Engage with your followers
  6. Follow geo-targeted SEO strategies
  7. Generate your own leads
  8. Maintain branding across platforms
  9. Offload certain areas of social media marketing

1. Know Your Target Audience

Understanding and targeting your specific audience is a cornerstone of an effective social media strategy, especially for real estate agents. 

Instead of casting a wide net and hoping to catch anyone, focusing your efforts on qualified buyers can significantly improve your conversion rates, strengthen your social media presence, and optimize your advertising. 

Here’s how you can better understand and define your target audience as a real estate business:

  • Define your ideal client profile: Start by creating a detailed profile of your ideal client. Consider demographics, interests, buying behaviors, and motivations. Are they first-time homebuyers, luxury property seekers, or families looking to upgrade? This clarity will guide your social media strategy.
  • Analyze your existing clients: Look into your roster of successful transactions and identify common traits among your clients. Understanding the characteristics of those who have already been through the selling process with you can help refine your target audience.
  • Use social media insights: SocialBee provides multi-channel social media analytics (audience demographics, content performance analytics, page growth insights, etc.), simplifying strategy and decision-making with time-saving features and customizable reports.

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2. Create a Different Strategy for All Social Media Platforms

Developing distinct strategies for each social media platform is essential to avoid content fatigue and keep your audience engaged.

Employ these four tips to optimize your social media presence:

  • Tailor content to each platform: Adjust your content format and messaging to suit the unique features and audience preferences of each platform. For example, use Instagram for high-quality property photos and short Stories, LinkedIn for sharing your real estate knowledge and professional achievements, and Facebook for community engagement and local business collaborations.
  • Understand platform algorithms: All popular social media platforms are programmed differently. Dive into how each platform’s algorithm works to maximize visibility. Engage regularly, use relevant hashtags, and post at optimal times to ensure your content reaches your intended audience.
  • Repurpose content smartly: When repurposing content across platforms, customize it to fit the platform’s context and audience. An infographic on market trends can be turned into a detailed blog post for LinkedIn, a series of Instagram Stories, or a discussion topic on Facebook.
  • Monitor and adapt: Keep an eye on engagement metrics (i.e. likes, comments, shares, saves, etc.) to see what works best for each platform. Be ready to tweak your strategy based on real-time feedback and emerging trends.

PRO TIP: Start your 14-day SocialBee trial today and put these strategies into practice with ease. Now you can tailor, schedule, and republish your posts for different platforms from one place.

Plus, SocialBee helps you figure out the best times to post by analyzing which of your posts get the most engagement, taking the guesswork out of your content planning.

3. Upload Original Photos and Videos

To distinguish your real estate listings and captivate future clients, it’s crucial to step away from using seller-provided photos that other realtors and agents might also be utilizing. Such photos can make your listings appear generic and lackluster, potentially leading savvy home buyers to bypass you directly for the property owner.

Here is an example of an original property video from Zillow:

zillow real estate


Here’s a more actionable approach to ensure your real estate listings stand out:

  • Invest in high-quality photos: Use a professional camera or hire a photographer to take original, high-resolution images of the properties. High-quality photos are more appealing and can significantly impact a buyer’s first impression.
  • Showcase unique features: Focus on capturing and highlighting unique aspects of the property that others might overlook. This could include architectural details, quality of materials, or even the property’s ambiance at different times of the day.
  • Utilize various angles: Experiment with different angles and perspectives to give potential buyers a comprehensive view of the property. This approach can reveal the space’s true potential and layout.
  • Create engaging videos: Beyond photos, create walkthrough videos to offer an immersive experience. Videos can help future clients feel more connected to the space and envision themselves living there.
  • Promote local community and events: Incorporate photos and videos that showcase the local community and events. This not only highlights the property but also the lifestyle and amenities that the area offers, making your listings more attractive.

To achieve these recommendations efficiently, leveraging tools like Canva can be incredibly beneficial. Canva’s user-friendly design platform enables you to create high-quality visuals and videos, perfect for showcasing real estate listings. 

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This integration not only saves time but also ensures your listings are visually captivating and stand out across social media channels, attracting more potential buyers and setting your properties apart in the competitive real estate market.

4. Boast Your Testimonials

According to the 2023 Member Profile by the National Association of Realtors, referrals accounted for 24% of the average Realtor’s business in 2022.

Therefore, it is essential to embed client testimonials into your online platforms. It’s one of the most effective ways to establish reputability, build a strong brand, and earn your prospects’ trust. In this way, you are ablte to highlight the positive experiences your past clients had with your brand.

A prime example is Terry Carter from The Terry Carter Team, who has successfully leveraged Instagram to showcase his client testimonials.

screenshot of The Terry Carter Team client testimonial


Here are some creative ways to showcase your real estate social proof on social media:

  • Video testimonials: Create engaging video testimonials where past clients share their positive experiences. Videos are highly engaging and can be shared across multiple platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
  • Story highlights: Use Instagram Stories to share testimonials, and save them as Highlights on your profile. This keeps positive feedback front and center for anyone visiting your page.
  • Quote graphics: Design attractive graphics featuring quotes from your clients. Use your brand colors and fonts to maintain consistency and enhance brand recognition.
  • Before and after stories: Share stories that highlight the transformation experienced by your clients before and after working with you. Use photos, texts, and videos to tell a compelling story.
  • Client interviews: Host short interviews or Q&A sessions with past clients. These can be done live on platforms like Instagram or Facebook to engage viewers in real-time.
  • Testimonial carousel posts: Create carousel posts on Instagram or Facebook that feature multiple testimonials. This allows followers to swipe through and read several positive experiences.
  • Interactive content: Encourage interaction by creating polls or questions where past clients can vote or share their feedback about your service. This not only shows testimonials but also engages your audience.
  • Featured client of the month: Highlight a client each month, showcasing their story and experience with your service. This personal touch adds a human element to your brand.
  • Incorporate testimonials in ads: When running social media ads, include client testimonials in the ad content. This increases trust and can improve conversion rates.

5. Engage With Your Followers

Building relationships with your followers is crucial for generating more leads and attracting new clients. 

Engage actively by answering their questions, responding to comments, expressing gratitude for positive feedback, and tactfully addressing negative remarks. Understandably, navigating through negative comments can be mentally taxing. Yet, it’s important to remember that not addressing them can inadvertently validate the criticisms leveled against your brand.

Consider leveraging tools such as SocialBee’s Engage module, which can revolutionize social media management for real estate professionals. Utilizing SocialBee’s social inbox enables agents to effectively track and engage with comments, direct messages, and mentions all from a single dashboard. 

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This social inbox allows for a more structured and prompt communication with your audience, ensuring that every interaction contributes positively to building your brand and nurturing client relationships.

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Engage with Your Audience from SocialBee!

Create posts, publish, analyze, engage and collaborate, all from SocialBee.

Here are other suggestions for real estate professionals to engage on social media channels:

  • Offer real estate advice: Share valuable insights and tips related to the real estate market. This positions you as an industry professional and market leader, encouraging trust and reliance among your audience.
  • Highlight new listings: Use your interactions to subtly promote new listings. This not only keeps your followers informed, but also showcases your active role in the real estate market.
  • Solicit feedback: Invite your followers to share their thoughts on what they’d like to see more of, whether it’s market insights, home improvement tips, or behind-the-scenes looks at the buying and selling process. This engagement makes your audience feel valued and involved.
  • Host live Q&A sessions: Organize live sessions on platforms like Instagram or Facebook to answer real estate questions in real-time. This direct interaction can significantly boost your visibility and appeal to potential clients.

6. Follow Geo-Targeted SEO Tactics

Implementing geo-targeted SEO strategies is crucial for real estate firms looking to connect with the right audience. Advertising to individuals in distant locations with no intention of moving or investing in your area can lead to wasted ad spend and missed opportunities. 

Instead, focus on refining your audience to those genuinely interested in your local listings and real estate content.

Here’s how to target your real estate audience geographically:

  1. Identify and target your market’s location
  2. Leverage local SEO
  3. Promote local listings and success stories

A. Identify and Target Your Market’s Location

Tailoring your content strategy based on insights about your prospective clients’ geographical preferences and interests can significantly boost organic engagement.

For example, Real Estate Skills wrote an article about flipping houses in North Carolina, targeting their local audience.

By understanding your focus areas, this ensures your marketing efforts are directed at potential clients with a genuine interest in:

    • Relocating to your area in the near future
    • Purchasing investment properties out-of-state
    • Looking for properties to sublet for personal or business use

B. Leverage Local SEO

Optimize your online content with keywords that highlight local events, real estate trends, and collaborations with local businesses.

This not only improves your visibility to those searching for real estate opportunities in your area, but also positions your firm as a knowledgeable and integral part of the local community.

C. Promote Local Listings and Success Stories

Share content that showcases your successful transactions and listings within the targeted area.

Highlighting your involvement and success in the local market can attract prospective clients interested in becoming part of the community.

7. Generate Your Own Leads

Shift away from purchasing leads and adopt a more effective strategy to generate your own. For real estate agents, the traditional method of cold-calling can be inefficient and unproductive, particularly in the realm of property transactions. The likelihood of success in contacting someone at random is slim.

Here’s how to proactively generate leads:

  • Embed contact forms: Place contact forms on your website, landing pages, and social media pages. This simple action turns your online presence into a lead generation machine, allowing visitors to easily leave their contact details.
  • Offer value in exchange: Understand that your audience expects something worthwhile in return for their contact information. Offer valuable free resources such as ebooks, virtual seminars with home-buying tips, or exclusive insights into marketing real estate.
  • Focus on building relationships: Use the information gathered from these forms to build relationships. Engage with your leads by sharing personalized real estate advice, updates on community events, and the latest market trends. 
  • Host community events or webinars: Position your real estate firm as a market leader by hosting events that provide real value to attendees. This not only enhances your reputation among industry professionals but also generates interest and leads from engaged participants.

8. Maintain Branding Across Platforms

While it’s crucial for real estate agents to adapt their strategies across different social media platforms, maintaining a cohesive brand identity is equally important. 

Shifting your marketing approach doesn’t mean altering your brand’s core identity or voice, especially within the real estate world where consistency builds trust and recognition.

Consider this approach for maintaining your brand identity across social media:

  • Stay true to your brand: Even if your target market and offerings, like homes for middle-class families, remain constant, your brand’s voice and identity should too. 
  • Consistent visuals and tone across platforms: Use a consistent color scheme, logo placement, and font style across all social media channels. Similarly, maintain a consistent tone of voice that aligns with your brand’s personality, whether it’s professional, friendly, informative, or casual. 
  • Use brand guidelines: Develop and adhere to brand guidelines that dictate your brand’s visual and verbal elements. These guidelines should be followed across all platforms to ensure consistency. 

9. Automate Time Consuming Social Media Tasks

Manually managing all aspects of social media marketing is both outdated and inefficient. The advent of social media AI tools has revolutionized the way marketers approach social media strategy, making it accessible even to complete beginners. 

Sophisticated AI models are now capable of handling tasks that range from copywriting to graphic design, dramatically reducing the workload and improving the quality of content.

SocialBee stands out as an all-in-one social media management platform that leverages AI to streamline content creation and scheduling. With SocialBee, you can automate your social media posting, transforming it from a time-consuming chore into a seamless, efficient process. 

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The platform’s AI capabilities allow for the generation of captivating posts in seconds, enabling marketers to maintain a consistent online presence without constant manual input.

Beyond posting, integrating tools like chatbots can further reduce the workload by handling customer inquiries, engagement, and feedback automatically. Chatbots can provide instant responses to common questions, freeing up time for marketers to focus on strategy and content creation.

By using SocialBee, marketers can put their social media posting on autopilot, taking advantage of AI-driven tools to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. This shift towards automation not only saves time, but also ensures a more dynamic and engaging social media presence, catering to the demands of today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Do You Market Real Estate on Social Media?

To market real estate on social media effectively, focus on platforms like Instagram for visual showcases and Facebook for community engagement. Highlight unique property features through storytelling, offer virtual tours, and use user-generated content for authenticity. Analyze audience engagement to refine your strategy, and employ local SEO and targeted hashtags to connect with potential local buyers.

2. What Is the Most Prominent Part of the Marketing Strategy in Real Estate?

The most important thing of a marketing strategy for real estate businesses is branding. Real estate transactions typically involve large sums—clients won’t entrust their hard-earned money to random strangers. You must establish your brand and earn the market’s trust first. 

Show them that you run a reputable, legitimate business that clients can turn to for reasonable market prices and fair contract terms. Too many greedy landlords and sellers want to cheat their clients nowadays.

3. What Are the Best Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agents?

The best marketing strategies for real estate agents are estabilishing good PR and brand authority. There are millions of realtors, agents, and investors online—you must give your target market a reason to choose you. And one of the best ways to do so is to show your face in campaigns. 

Clients are more likely to trust accountable, transparent real estate agents who aren’t afraid to become the face of their brand.

Boost Your Real Estate Business’s Online Presence Through Social Media Marketing

Effective real estate social media marketing demands a customized approach, tailored to your unique brand and audience needs.

Ditch the idea of copying others and forge your own path with strategies that truly resonate with your target market. Embrace the efficiency of automation and management tools to streamline your efforts and enhance your online presence.

Ready to elevate your social media game? Simplify your content strategy and save valuable resources with SocialBee, a tool designed to optimize your social media efforts. Take the first step towards a more impactful social media presence and start your 14-day SocialBee trial now.

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About the author: Catherine is a marketing & e-commerce specialist who helps brands grow their revenue and move their businesses to new levels.

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