leveraging Facebook Reels as a brand

Leveraging Facebook Reels for Your Business

Picture of Written by Anastasia
Written by Anastasia

Content Writer at SocialBee

Short videos have become a huge hit, and with TikTok and Instagram Reels paving the way, Facebook Reels were quick to follow the bite-sized clip trend. 

While Facebook’s version of short-form video content came a bit later than the others, it shouldn’t be overlooked. In fact, Facebook Reels can be a valuable asset in any content creator’s marketing strategy. What’s great is that you can repurpose content you’ve already made.

In this blog post, we explain everything there is to know about Facebook Reels. From creating to sharing your short video content, we’ve got you covered!

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Short Summary

  • Facebook Reels are bite-sized videos lasting up to 90 seconds that you can enhance with various tools such as music, audio clips, and effects. They have become the go-to for plenty of successful brands, UGC creators, marketers, and influencers.
  • The main difference between Facebook and Instagram Reels are that Facebook Reels are visible on individuals’ Feeds regardless of whether they follow you or not. Additionally, Facebook allows you to customize the audience for your Reels, while on Instagram you have no control over who sees them.
  • The main differences between Facebook Reels and TikTok are their algorithms, monetization options, video length, and user base, with TikTok having a personalized algorithm, more ways for creators to earn money, longer video lengths, and a primarily younger user base. Meanwhile, Facebook Reels focuses on trending videos, is still developing its monetization options, has shorter video lengths, and has a more diverse user base in terms of age and background.
  • Businesses that need to boost their revenue can use Facebook Reels to make more people interact with branded content and take certain actions.
  • Creating Reels for Facebook is a fairly simple process, but there are several best practices you should follow to be successful.
  • To captivate your audience through Facebook Reels, you must be creative, authentic, and engaging in your Facebook Reels.

What Are Facebook Reels?

Facebook Reels are bite-sized videos lasting up to 90 seconds that you can enhance with various tools such as music, audio clips, and effects. They have become the go-to for plenty of successful brands, UGC creators, marketers, and influencers.

Despite joining the party a little later than the other platforms (2021), Facebook Reels can now be accessed in over 150 countries, providing content creators worldwide with the opportunity to enjoy this feature.

Difference Between Instagram Reels and Facebook Reels

Facebook and Instagram Reels are linked since both platforms are owned by Meta. 

There are two main differences between Facebook and Instagram Reels:

  • Unlike Instagram Reels, which are visible to non-followers only if your profile is public, Facebook Reels will be visible on individuals’ Feeds regardless of whether they follow you or not.
  • On Facebook, you can customize which audience sees your Reels, while on Instagram, you have no control over who sees them — provided you have a public account.

Also, another thing to keep in mind is that when you watch an Instagram Reel on Facebook and attempt to leave a comment, you’ll be redirected from one app to the other.

Difference Between TikTok and Facebook Reels

Here’s what sets apart Facebook Reels from TikTok videos:

  • Algorithm: TikTok’s algorithm is all about customization, tailoring the content it shows to the unique interests of each user. In contrast, Facebook Reels’ algorithm leans more towards highlighting trending videos, irrespective of individual user preferences.
  • Revenue Generation: On TikTok, creators have various income streams at their disposal, such as advertising, collaborations with brands, and access to creator funds. Meanwhile, Facebook Reels is still in its early stages when it comes to monetization, with creators primarily relying on ad revenue. However, Facebook introduced a virtual currency system called Facebook Stars that allows users to show support and appreciation for their favorite Reel creators. The stars have monetary value, as creators can convert the received stars into actual cash. 
  • Video Duration: TikTok allows videos to be as long as 10 minutes, giving creators the flexibility to craft more extended and intricate content. Meanwhile, Facebook Reels has a 90-second maximum video length.
  • Audience demographics: Facebook’s user base consists of people from various age groups and backgrounds, which allows your Reels to connect to more diverse demographics.  In contrast, TikTok videos have a predominantly younger user base, with a majority of Gen Z users, which can sometimes mean that the purchasing power is limited for some segments of the market. 

How Can Facebook Reels Help Grow Your Business?

Here’s what using Facebook Reels can do for your business:

  1. Increase return on creative investment
  2. Enhance discoverability
  3. Leverage Facebook’s demographics

Increase Return On Creative Investment

Businesses are looking for ways to boost their revenue, and Reels can help with this. Strategically capturing the attention through features like stickers, text overlays, filters, and music, can make more people interact with the content and take certain desired actions.

Enhance Discoverability

With its global reach, Facebook Reels offers a great chance to reach out to people who might not have encountered your brand before. 

Only because they’re in a different part of the world doesn’t mean you can’t forge a connection and turn them into supporters. They may even become your customers down the line. In the meantime, they can help boost your popularity and raise brand awareness.

Leverage Facebook’s Demographics

Facebook’s spending power is massive, with research indicating that Facebook users comprise a well-educated group with considerable disposable income. Finding imaginative approaches to both entertain viewers and promote products is key.

Where Can I Watch Reels On the Facebook App?

Facebook makes it easy to find and watch Reels, which is why these videos are readily available across its platform. Here’s how you can navigate your way through.

Facebook Feed

On your page, at the top and to the right of your Stories, you will find the Reels. As you continue scrolling through your Feed, you’ll come across Reels positioned partway down.

Reels in Facebook Groups

Within Facebook Groups, you will be able to discover Reels displayed in the top right vertical menu.

Reels from Your Menu

To access the menu, simply click on the hamburger icon located on your homepage. Android users will find it in the upper right corner, while iPhone users can locate it at the bottom of their app. Once inside the menu, you’ll easily spot Reels in the top left corner.

Facebook Reels Features

To create engaging content, you must first learn the basics. 

At the moment, Facebook Reels offers the following features:

  • Video editing: Like TikTok and Instagram Reels, you can merge multiple video clips into one video directly in the app or upload them from your photo library.
  • Music and audio library: You have access to Facebook’s audio library to include music, or you can use audio created or used by other users.
  • Special Effects: Facebook offers various filters that you can apply to your Reel from their Effects library. Some filters are provided by Facebook, while others are created by users.
  • Timer: You can use the in-app countdown timer to record your Reel hands-free.
  • Length: Facebook recently increased their Reel duration to 90 seconds.
  • Speed control: You can decrease the speed of your Reel by up to 1x the original speed, or increase it up to 3x.
  • Green screen: You can insert a backdrop from your camera roll by using the green screen effect that you can find in the Effects library.

Here are the features currently not supported by Facebook Reels:

  • Desktop upload: You can only upload Reels from your mobile device; desktop uploads are not supported. Meanwhile, both Instagram and TikTok have this functionality.
  • Video rotation: Facebook doesn’t allow users to rotate or adjust the frame of their Reels.

How to Create a Facebook Reel in 6 Steps

Creating your first Facebook Reel doesn’t have to be stressful at all.

Herețs how to create a Facebook Reel in 6 steps:

  1. Tap on the “+” sign and select “Reel”
  2. Upload a video or create your own Reel by tapping on the “Camera” icon
  3. Edit your video
  4. Create your video caption
  5. Decide who will see your Reel
  6. Hit “Post” to publish Your Reel

1. Tap on the “+” Sign and Select “Reel”

To create a Facebook Reel, open the Facebook app and tap on the “+” sign located at the top center of the screen. From the available options, select “Reel.” 

2. Upload a Video or Create Your Own Reel by Tapping on the “Camera” Icon

You will be directed to a collection of the photos and videos stored in your phone’s camera roll. From here, you can either include pre-recorded videos or photos in your Facebook Reels or create a reel in real time.

3. Edit Your Video

After selecting the video, you can edit it by using the available tools. This can include trimming the video, adding filters, adjusting the brightness or contrast, and adding music or text overlays. 

4. Create Your Video Caption

To add a caption to your Reel, tap on the text field next to the video. Enter a relevant caption that describes your video or adds any necessary context. You can also include hashtags or tag other Facebook users. 

5. Decide Who Will See Your Reel

Before posting your Reel, you can choose who can view it. You can select from options such as “Public” (anyone can see it), “Friends” (only your Facebook friends can see it), or customize the audience by selecting specific individuals or groups.

6. Hit “Post” to Publish Your Reel

Once you have finished editing your video and adding a caption, and have chosen your desired audience, tap on the “Post” button. This will publish your Facebook Reel and make it visible to the selected audience.

Pro Tip: Plan Your Facebook Reels Ahead of Time with SocialBee

What if we told you there is an easier way to schedule and manage social media posts than manually hitting Post every single time? SocialBee is a one-stop social media management platform that saves hours of your time while helping you to take full control of your social media presence. 

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Schedule your Facebook Reels and manage all your social media accounts with ease from SocialBee.

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Here’s what you need to know before you start posting Reels directly from SocialBee:

  • To choose where you want to share a Facebook post, you will have to customize the post for each profile.
  • In the top-right corner, you will be able to choose where you want your posts to be shared from the drop-down menu – in this case, it should be Reel
  • SocialBee supports both MP4 and MOV video formats.  
  • Recommended resolution is 1080×1920 or greater.
  • Video settings should be H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive, and AAC audio at 128kbps+.
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20 Exciting Ideas to Create Facebook Reels

If you don’t know where to begin, we prepared 20 ready-to-use ideas for your first reels:

  1. “Behind-the-Scenes” Tour: Take your audience on a virtual tour of your business premises. Show them how products are manufactured or the services you provide to add a personal touch to your brand.
  2. Product Teasers: Generate buzz by creating short Reels that give sneak peeks or highlight the features of upcoming products. 
  3. Customer Testimonials: Ask satisfied clients to share their experiences in short video testimonials to show others the benefits of choosing your business.
  4. How-To Tutorials: Create quirky and engaging reels that demonstrate how to use your products or offer simple life hacks connected to your niche. 
  5.  “Ask Us Anything”: Host live Q&A sessions where audience members can comment with their questions while you answer them in real time. 
  6. Team Introductions: Make your brand more relatable by introducing your team members. Highlight their roles, unique qualities, and work culture.
  7. Limited-Time Offers: Create time-sensitive Reels that announce exclusive sales, discounts, or limited-time promotions. Make them visually appealing and add a CTA, encouraging users to take immediate action.
  8. Product Demos: Show your products in action and highlight their functionality, benefits, and versatility. Make sure to include clear instructions on how to purchase or order.
  9. Time-Lapse Processes: Condense longer processes or projects into compact Reels using time-lapse footage to showcase your expertise, dedication, and attention to detail.
  10. Meet the Makers: Feature interviews with the talented individuals behind your products or services; share their stories, inspiration, and creative processes.
  11. Unexpected Uses: Show innovative ways your products or services can be used beyond their primary purpose. This sparks curiosity and encourages viewers to explore your offerings further.
  12. Fun Challenges: Create Reels around challenges related to your industry or products, encouraging viewers to participate and share their own attempts.
  13. Collaborations: Team up with complementary businesses or organizations to create exciting crossover Reels.
  14. Success Stories: Share impactful stories of how your products or services have made a direct or indirect positive impact on customers’ lives. 
  15. Expert Tips and Advice: Position your business as a thought leader by sharing actionable tips and advice on how to resolve common issues related to your niche.
  16. Interactive Polls: Create Reels that pose interactive polls related to your industry or products and encourage viewers to participate and share their opinions.
  17. “Before and Afters”: This format is ideal for showcasing the transformative power of your products or services.
  18. Insider Secrets: Share exclusive tips, tricks, or hacks related to your industry or products.
  19. Virtual Events: Create Reels that showcase your virtual events — such as webinars, workshops, or conferences — that highlight key moments, speakers, and takeaways.
  20. User-Generated Content: Find UGC creators that are compatible with your niche and work with them to create Reels that will showcase their experience using your products or services.

Remember, the secret is to be creative, authentic, and engaging in your Facebook Reels. If you need help with your social media presence, SocialBee’s free AI Post Generator gets the job done for you! 

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Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use SocialBee’s new and improved AI assistant to generate Facebook Reel ideas:

  • Step #1:  Access the AI assistant, which is split into three parts. In the left-side panel, you can choose preset templates and prompts that match your needs for different profiles, content types, or industries. In the middle panel, you can insert a command to generate your own prompts. In this case, you can go for ‘Facebook Reel Ideas’, ‘Facebook Reel script,’ or any other idea you might have.
  • Step #2: Customize the prompt and decide how many posts you want to generate. Then, click on ‘generate.’
  • Step #3: Review the posts that appear on the right side of the screen, select the ones that work for you, and edit them as needed. Once you’re done, use the ideas to record Facebook Reels.

Facebook Reels Best Practices

Regardless of your creative direction, there are several guidelines that you should follow when creating Facebook Reels.

Here are 10 best practices to follow for your Facebook Reels:

  1. Experiment with creating videos
  2. Repurpose your TikTok and Instagram Reels
  3. Opt for short-form videos
  4. Deliver high-quality videos
  5. Go for vertical videos
  6. Create reels with music
  7. Use good lighting
  8. Include captions
  9. Be intentional when creating reels
  10. Learn about trends
  11. Collaborate with other creators
  12. Don’t try too hard

1. Experiment with Creating Videos

To begin, try different approaches for your content and see how it resonates with your audience. Once you evaluate its performance, you can focus your energy and time on the pieces that connect with your audience the most. 

Want some expert tips to get started? Then, we have a great video recommendation for you!

Robert Benjamin, social media growth expert with over five years of experience, provides the following tips for going viral on Facebook Reels:

  • Choose the Right Topic:
    • Facebook promotes content that’s similar to what users have watched. To go viral, research topics on the Facebook Reels feed to see what’s trending. Optimize for those topics.
  • Craft Engaging Hooks:
    • The initial three seconds must grab attention.
    • The video should have text or a voiceover that immediately captures viewers.
    • Content should leverage authority or discuss popular subjects.
    • The video should prompt curiosity about what comes next.
  • Create the Right Type of Content:
    • Facebook currently promotes remixes and stitches.
    • Only remix or stitch videos that have already gone viral for maximum impact.
  • Avoid the following mistakes:
    • Watermark Issue: Don’t repost content from other platforms with their watermark. Use AI tools to remove them.
    • Description Issues: Ensure descriptions are sufficiently long with relevant keywords. Without this, Facebook might not know who to show your content to.

2. Repurpose your TikTok and Instagram Reels

Repurposing content can save you hours of work every week. It’s not only efficient, but it’s a smart way of making the most out of your content’s potential.

Select your top-performing TikTok content and upload it again on your Facebook Reels. The same applies to Instagram: when you post on Instagram Reels, you can share it on Facebook automatically by adjusting the settings. 

Or, even better, you can upload to all three platforms from a centralized social media management tool like SocialBee.

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PRO TIP: Go the extra mile and boost the potential of your content by customizing it for each platform from SocialBee. For example, using hashtags on Facebook Reels can look like a rookie move, however, it’s totally necessary on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. So, make sure to always press the “Customize for each profile” button before hitting “Post.”

3. Opt for Short-Form Videos

On Facebook Reels, you get slightly more elbow room than just a fleeting 30-second clip. In fact, it’s a generous span of up to 90 seconds to showcase your creativity. Sure, it may not sound like an eternity, but believe us, with those precious seconds, you can work wonders and captivate your audience.

4. Deliver High-Quality Videos

If you want to keep people engaged, keep your videos clear and steady. Don’t forget that the content you post represents your brand. When you consistently share high-quality Reels, people will perceive your brand as polished and professional. 

This not only helps to create a positive image but also increases the chances of your audience interacting with your content.

5. Go For Vertical Videos

Just like TikTok and Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels are designed for vertical video. So, when you’re recording, make sure you don’t rotate your phone horizontally, as Facebook’s algorithm prioritizes content that adheres to its recommended guidelines.

6. Create Reels with Music

Music is a great way to make your videos incredibly captivating and enjoyable. What’s even better is that music gives your video a certain vibe, helping it to stand out. Plus, it helps viewers remember your content amidst the vast sea of similar content. 

Pro-Tip: Keep an ear out for trending sounds, so you can hop on the bandwagon and increase your reach.

7. Use Good Lighting

Having good lighting is really important when creating reels because it gives them a sleek and professional appearance. Shooting in dim light makes your videos grainy, which can make viewers scroll past your content.

However, proper lighting does more than just make your videos look good. It also helps to create the right atmosphere. Softer lighting creates a cozy and intimate feel, whereas brighter lighting can really amp up the energy in your video.

8. Include Captions

Captions provide context for your Reels, as they influence how people interpret your content. Use your captions as an opportunity to inject your personal touch, share a funny remark, or convey a heartfelt message. This increases the chances of your viewers remembering the crucial points long after they’ve watched your content.

9. Be Intentional when Creating Reels

The content you choose to share with your audience has a significant impact on how they perceive your brand and their purchasing decisions. Think about the message you want to convey, the style and vibe you wish to adopt, and the specific demographics you want to connect with.

10. Learn About Trends

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but you should observe and analyze existing Reels before crafting your own. Social media trends evolve rapidly, and failing to keep up with them could make your brand seem disconnected from the current pulse. Actively monitor trends, taking note of what’s gaining traction within your industry to produce relevant content.

11. Collaborate with Other Creators

Find an influencer or a UGC creator in your field who you can team up with. Their follower base is likely different from yours, and through their support, you can effectively showcase your products and services in action to new audiences.

12. Don’t Try Too Hard

If your main goal with Facebook Reels is to go viral, people may perceive you as trying too hard. Instead, focus on creating carefully crafted Reels that appeal to your specific audience. 

This approach is more likely to foster genuine connections, as prioritizing high-quality content that truly resonates with your audience is more important than pursuing high view counts.

Facebook Reels Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Do I Share Instagram Reels to Facebook?

Sharing Instagram Reels to Facebook is a breeze since the two apps seem to encourage you to spread the word across platforms.

Launch your Instagram app and begin recording a Reel. Once you’re done, just tap the “next” button and select the option to Share it on Facebook. You have the freedom to choose which Facebook account you’d like to share it with.

Additionally, you can decide if you want to automatically share all your future Reels to Facebook. Once you hit Share, your video will also appear on Facebook.

2. What Are Overlay Ads?

An awesome way for Creators to earn money from their Facebook Reels is through overlay ads. These banner ads work just like the name suggests — they are placed on your video, but with a semi-transparent overlay, they blend seamlessly with your content.

Every time people engage with your Reel, you earn some cash. To get in on the action, you should be a part of the existing in-stream ads program for Facebook Video. If you’re already a member, you automatically qualify for overlay ads in your reels.

3. How Can You Turn Off Reels on Facebook?

Unfortunately, there’s no option to disable or hide Reels on your Facebook feed. However, you can switch to using Facebook on your computer, as Reels are not available there yet. Alternatively, if you prefer using the mobile app, you can try uninstalling the app from your phone and then reinstalling an older version of Facebook that doesn’t have this feature.

Start Creating Your Own Reels Today!

In this article, we shared with you the ins and outs of creating and posting Facebook Reels as part of your social media strategy.

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Picture of Alexandra

Content writer at SocialBee

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