social media statistics

Social Media Statistics You Should Know in 2024

Picture of Written by Andra
Written by Andra

Content Writer at SocialBee

Curious about the latest social media statistics for 2024? Staying updated on these trends is essential for anyone looking to thrive online. 

As a social media manager, knowing the current data can help you refine your social media marketing strategy. This article highlights the key social media statistics of 2024, covering user demographics, platform growth, engagement metrics, and much more. 

Let’s dive into the data that will shape your social media approach this year!

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Short Summary

  • In 2024, there are 5.07 billion active social media users worldwide, which is over 60% of the global population. Platforms like Facebook lead with 3.06 billion monthly users, followed by YouTube with 2.5 billion users.
  • Social media marketers focus on platforms delivering high engagement and ROI. Facebook and Instagram lead, each accounting for 29% of marketers’ highest ROI. Social media ad spending is expected to surpass $300 billion globally in 2024.
  • The number of social media users grew by 8% from January 2023 to January 2024, adding 320 million new users. This rapid growth underscores the increasing integration of social media into daily life across various demographics.
  • Video content drives high engagement on social media. 86% of businesses use video as a key marketing tool.
  • Influencer marketing is growing rapidly, expected to reach $4 billion in 2024. It delivers high ROI, with businesses earning an average of $6.50 for every dollar spent.

Social Media Usage Statistics

  1. In 2024, social media is more popular than ever, with 5.07 billion active users worldwide, making up for more than 60% of the global population. 
  2. With 3.06 billion monthly users and 2.11 billion daily users, Facebook remains the most popular social media platform. 
  3. YouTube isn’t far behind, with around 2.5 billion active users and 122 million daily users​.
  4. According to Data Reportal, social media users spend an average of 143 minutes per day online.
  5. Instagram is a favorite, especially among the 18-34 age group, boasting over 2 billion monthly users. Facebook also sees high engagement from the 25-34 age group, its largest user base​
  6. Social media user numbers have experienced significant growth over the past year. 259 million new users have joined since this time last year. This represents an annual growth rate of 5.4 percent. There are an average of 8.2 new users every second.
  7. People use an average of 6.6 different social networks each month. TikTok is the most popular social platform based on time spent. Global Android users average 31 hours and 32 minutes on TikTok monthly.
  8. 99% of people worldwide access social media on a mobile device (tablet or phone).
  9. In the US, 54% of social media users are female. 46% of social media users are male. The global average is 46.4% female and 53.6% male.
  10. 72.5% of the total US population actively use social media. This totals 246 million people in the US.
  11. In 2024, social media users worldwide grew from 4.72 billion in January 2023 to 5.04 billion in January 2024, an 8% increase​​. This growth reflects the addition of 320 million new users in just one year, underscoring the rapid expansion of social media globally​. 

Social Media Marketing & Advertising Statistics

  1. Facebook and Instagram lead the pack with each platform accounting for 29% of marketers’ highest ROI, while YouTube and TikTok also play significant roles with 26% and 24% respectively​​. 
  2. Ad spending in the Social Media Advertising market is projected to reach $219.8 billion in 2024. 
  3. More people discover new brands, products, and services through social media ads than through word-of-mouth, brand websites, and consumer review sites.
  4. Digital video ad spending reached nearly $176.63 billion in 2023. Social media advertising expenditure reached approximately $270 billion in 2023 and is expected to surpass $300 billion by 2024.
  5. Social media ads are the top source of new brand discovery for internet users aged 16-24.
  6. Social media is recognized as the leading marketing channel. The majority of industry specialists incorporate it into their digital campaigns.
  7. Benefits of social media marketing include boosted exposure, increased traffic, lead generation, and direct communication between brands and consumers.
  8. The average global online shopping order value from social media platforms reached $87.5 billion in mid-2023, though it was lower compared to values from search or email sources.
  9. The top social media marketing platofrms of 2024 are:
    • Facebook: Used by about 90% of surveyed marketing experts for promotional purposes.
    • Instagram: Continues to grow as a lucrative marketing destination with varied promotional formats.
    • TikTok: Increasingly used for enhancing brand exposure and engaging with current short-video trends.

Social Media Video Statistics

  1. Currently, 86% of businesses use videos as a key marketing tool. On average, people spend 17 hours per week watching videos online, and 60% prefer online videos over television​​.
  2. YouTube remains a powerhouse video social media site with over 1 billion hours of videos viewed daily.
  3. Mobile device usage accounts for 70% of YouTube video consumption​​
  4. TikTok also shows significant engagement, as US adults spend a total of 4.8 billion minutes daily watching TikTok videos​. Funnily enough, more than half of adult TikTok active users have never posted a video of their own.
  5. During a global survey of social media marketers in 2023, 56% stated they would increase their video activities on Instagram in the next 12 months. while 59% planned to do so on YouTube.
  6. Testimonial and explainer videos are the most used in global marketing.
  7. YouTube is the leading platform for video marketing, with 90% of marketers utilizing it
  8. Instagram and TikTok are also crucial platforms for video marketing. TikTok is expected to account for nearly 40% of global video ad revenue by 2027.

Influencer Marketing Statistics

  1. The global influencer marketing industry is expected to reach $4 billion in 2024, up from $16.4 billion in 2022. 
  2. Influencer marketing delivers a high ROI, with businesses earning an average of $5.78 for every dollar spent on influencer marketing​.
  3. Instagram remains the most popular social media platform for influencer marketing, with 72% of brands utilizing it for their campaigns. TikTok is quickly catching up, with 61% of brands planning to increase their spending on the platform due to its high engagement rates​.
  4. About 69% of consumers trust influencer recommendations more than traditional advertising.
  5. One might assume that big names drive the most engagement, but 91% of all engagement actually comes from micro-influencers, marking a 2% increase since 2020.

Gen Z Social Media Statistics

  1. Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, represents about 25% of social media users worldwide in 2024. They are highly active, with 35% spending over four hours daily on social media. 
  2. YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok see high engagement from Gen Z users.
  3. Facebook’s popularity was declining among Gen Z users. Only four in 10 surveyed reported engaging with the Meta-powered platform.
  4. There are notable gender differences in platform preferences among Gen Z users in the US. YouTube is particularly popular among male users, with 93% usage. Instagram is favored by 80% of girls. TikTok sees higher engagement from female users (75%) compared to boys (62%).
  5. Gen Z consumers are discerning about online advertising. Around one-third find online ads and those based on search history annoying. 
  6. Promotions and offers on social media are effective, with 66% of Gen Z holding a positive view of brands using this strategy

Facebook Statistics You Need to Know

Facebook remains a dominant force in social media, shaping how we connect and engage online. 

To make the most of your social media strategy, here are the essential Facebook statistics you need to know:

1. Facebook User Demographics

  1. As of 2024, Facebook’s user base is roughly evenly split, with female users making up 43.2% and male users comprising 56.8%​.
  2. Younger people are increasingly favoring other platforms, but Facebook remains popular among older age groups
  3. The largest age demographic on Facebook is users aged 25-34, accounting for 24.2% of the US user base.
  4. Nearly 20% of Facebook’s worldwide users are men aged 25-34, making this group one of the platform’s largest demographics. Female users aged 13-17 represent the smallest demographic on Facebook globally.  
  5. India has the largest Facebook audience, boasting 314.6 million users. The United States follows with 175 million users, highlighting Facebook’s significant global presence.

2. Facebook Usage Statistics

facebook usage statistics


  1. Facebook has 3.06 billion monthly active users as of April 2024, making it the most used social media platform with a year-over-year growth of 3.44%​.
  2. As of Q4 2023, Facebook reached 2.11 billion daily active users, marking a 5.5% increase year-over-year. 39.8% of the world’s population uses Facebook every month, showcasing its extensive global reach.
  3. Facebook is the world’s most downloaded social media app worldwide emphasizing the platform’s dominance on mobile devices. 
  4. In 2023, their messaging platform, Facebook Messenger, generated approximately 262.5 million downloads, a decrease of 20% compared to 2022​.
  5. The average U.S. adult spends 33 minutes a day on Facebook, and users globally spend about 19.7 hours a month on the platform. An average person spends approximately 35 minutes daily on Facebook​.

3. Facebook Engagement Statistics

  1. The average engagement rate for a Facebook page post is 0.06%​.
  2. Over 1 billion Stories are posted daily across Facebook apps, indicating the popularity of this feature​.
  3. Facebook generates 500K likes every minute, demonstrating a high level of user activity​​.
  4. 90% of Facebook users post native videos, and video posts increase interaction by 600% compared to other types of posts.

4. Facebook Business Statistics

  1. Over 200 million small businesses use Facebook Pages to connect with customers​.
  2. There are over 250 million Facebook Shops worldwide, allowing businesses to sell products directly through the platform.​
  3. More than 65% of Facebook users visit local business pages at least once a week​.
  4. 19% of US consumers begin their shopping search on Facebook.

5. Facebook Advertising Statistics

  1. Marketers can reach a potential audience of 2.249 billion users through Facebook ads.​
  2. Facebook hosts over 10 million active advertisers as of 2024. 
  3. The average cost per click for Facebook ads was $0.69 as of March 2024​ 
  4. In 2022, Facebook generated more than $113 billion in advertising revenue, projected to grow to $121 billion by 2024​. 
  5. Ads on Facebook see a high engagement rate, with video ads being particularly effective, driving twice more engagement than image ads​​.

Instagram Statistics You Need to Know

Instagram remains one of the leading social media platforms, known for its high engagement and diverse user base.

Here are the statistics you need to know about Instagram consumer behavior: 

1. Instagram User Demographics

  1. Instagram’s user demographics are varied, reflecting its broad appeal. As of 2024, Instagram has over 2 billion monthly active users, making it one of the most popular social media platforms globally​​. 
  2. The platform sees a fairly even split between male and female users, with 50.6% male and 49.4% female​. 
  3. India has the largest Instagram audience, with over 362.9 million users, followed by the United States with 169.65 million users​.
  4. The largest age group on Instagram is users aged 18-34, who make up about 62.3% of the user base, showing a strong appeal to younger people​. 

age distribution instagram


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2. Instagram Usage Statistics

  1. Instagram usage remains significant, with users highly engaged on the platform. On average, users spend about 30 minutes per day on Instagram, reflecting its major role in daily social media activity. 
  2. The platform is particularly popular for visual content, with 500 million daily active users engaging with Instagram Stories. 
  3. Monthly, users spend an average of 12 hours on Instagram, indicating strong user retention and interaction. 
  4. Additionally, 90% of users follow at least one business account, showcasing the platform’s importance for brand engagement. 
  5. Instagram is also the 5th most visited website globally, highlighting its widespread popularity.

3. Instagram Engagement Statistics

  1. Engagement on Instagram is notably high, driven by its visual and interactive content. Posts on Instagram see an average engagement rate of 1.22%, higher than many other social media platforms. 
  2. Instagram Reels, introduced as a competitor to TikTok, have seen tremendous success, generating twice the reach of other Instagram post types. 
  3. Each day, Instagram users like 4.2 billion posts, comment 95 million times, and share millions of Stories. 

4. Instagram Business Statistics

  1. Businesses heavily utilize Instagram for marketing and customer engagement. Over 25 million business profiles are active on Instagram, with more than 200 million users visiting at least one business profile daily. 
  2. Approximately 60% of users discover new products on Instagram, underlining its importance for brand discovery. 
  3. Additionally, 75% of users take action, such as visiting a website or making a purchase, after viewing a brand’s post. 
  4. Instagram’s shopping features, including Instagram Shops, have also seen widespread adoption, facilitating direct purchases from the app.

5. Instagram Advertising Statistics

  1. The platform’s ad reach is over 1.628 billion users, providing advertisers with a vast audience. 
  2. More than 80% of marketers advertise their products on Instagram.
  3. Ads on Instagram have an average click-through rate of 0.58%, higher than the average for other social media platforms. 
  4. Video ads, including Story ads, drive higher engagement, with video content seeing a 38% higher engagement rate than image posts. 

X (Twitter) Statistics You Need to Know

X, formerly known as Twitter, continues to be a significant player in the social media landscape in 2024. With a diverse user base and extensive global reach, X remains a critical platform for individuals, businesses, and advertisers. 

Here are the most important X statistics you need to know:

1. X (Twitter) User Demographics

  1. As of 2024, X has a diverse 556 million user base with distinct demographic characteristics. 
  2. The platform’s users are predominantly male, making up 63% of the user base, while female users account for 37% of its audience. 
  3. The largest age group on X is users aged 25-34, representing 38.5% of its demographic, highlighting the platform’s appeal to young adults. 
  4. X’s global reach is significant, with high user numbers in the United States, Japan, and India, indicating its widespread international appeal. 
  5. Additionally, the platform has been noted for its varied user interests, ranging from news consumption to entertainment and business updates. 

2. X (Twitter) Usage Statistics

  1. The platform is projected to see a decline, with daily active users expected to drop to 335.7 million by the end of the year. 
  2. Despite this, users spend an average of 34.1 minutes per day on X, reflecting strong engagement levels. 

3. X (Twitter) Engagement Statistics

  1. Engagement on X is driven significantly by multimedia content. Tweets that include videos attract ten times more engagement than those without, underscoring the importance of visual content in user interactions. 
  2. Each day, users watch approximately 8 billion videos on X, highlighting the platform’s capacity to captivate its audience through video content.

4. X (Twitter) Business Statistics

  1. X is a great tool for businesses looking to engage with their audience. Business accounts on X have reported high levels of user engagement, with 53% of users likely to purchase new products from brands they follow on the platform.
  2. Last year, X experienced a 5% decrease in average CPM and a 27% decrease in average cost-per-conversion.

5. X (Twitter) Advertising Statistics

  1. Advertising on X offers significant reach and engagement opportunities. The platform enables advertisers to potentially reach 330 million users globally, making it a powerful tool for marketing campaigns. 
  2. Promoted Tweets with video content, a popular advertising format, achieve over 50% higher engagement rates compared to standard Tweets, illustrating their effectiveness. 
  3. Twitter has an annual ad revenue of $1.41 billion and an ad view time is 26% higher than other leading platforms.

YouTube Statistics You Need to Know

As the second largest search engine, YouTube continues to dominate as a leading platform for video content, with extensive reach and engagement.

Here’s what YouTube statistics you need to know:

1. YouTube User Demographics

  1. YouTube’s user base is vast and diverse, reflecting its global reach. As of 2024, YouTube boasts nearly 2.5 billion monthly active users, making it one of the largest social media platforms globally.  
  2. The gender distribution is relatively balanced, with 54.4% male users and 45.6% female users. 
  3. YouTube was the most popular social media site among Gen Z users with 96% of respondents in this age group reporting using this video platform. 86% have a favorable opinion about YouTube as a brand.
  4. The largest age group on YouTube is users aged 25-34, who account for 20.7% of its demographic, followed closely by the 18-24 age group at 15%.
  5. India leads with the largest number of active users, followed by the United States and Brazil. 

2. YouTube Usage Statistics

  1. YouTube remains a powerhouse in online video consumption. On average, users spend about 40 minutes per session on YouTube, indicating deep engagement. 
  2. The platform sees over 1 billion hours of video watched daily, highlighting its role as a leading source of video content. 
  3. YouTube Shorts, a feature introduced to compete with TikTok, sees 70 billion daily views, showing rapid adoption and user interest. 

3. YouTube Engagement Statistics

Engagement on YouTube is driven by its extensive video library and user interaction features. 

The average engagement rate on YouTube is 4.62%, higher than many other platforms. Videos on YouTube see significant interaction, with users liking, commenting, and sharing content regularly. 

4. YouTube Business Statistics

  1. Over 3 million US content creators and channels are active on YouTube, with many using the platform to drive business goals. 
  2. Approximately 62% of businesses use YouTube to post video content, highlighting its importance in digital marketing strategies. 
  3. YouTube helps about 90% of users discover new brands or products, emphasizing its role in brand discovery and customer acquisition. 
  4. Additionally, YouTube’s shopping features, such as product links in videos, facilitate direct purchases from the platform, with 70% of users making purchases after seeing a product in a video.

5. YouTube Advertising Statistics

Advertising on YouTube offers substantial reach and engagement opportunities. YouTube’s ad reach extends to over 2.5 billion users, providing advertisers with a vast audience of almost 31.5% of world’s population.

Here are some interesting numbers about YouTube advertising:

youtube statistics 2024


Advertisers benefit from precise targeting options, enabling them to reach specific demographics effectively. 

LinkedIn Statistics You Need to Know

LinkedIn continues to be the go-to platform for professional networking and business engagement.

Here are some interesting LinkedIn statistics for 2024:

1. LinkedIn User Demographics

  1. In 2024, LinkedIn has over 1 billion members worldwide, reflecting its significant reach among professionals. 
  2. The platform’s gender distribution shows a slight male majority, with 57% male users and 43% female users. 
  3. The largest age group on LinkedIn is users aged 25-34, accounting for about 50% of the user base, followed by users aged 35-54, who make up approximately 21%. 
  4. The United States leads with the highest number of LinkedIn users, followed by India and China. 
  5. LinkedIn’s appeal is particularly strong among professionals and businesses, making it a key platform for career development and industry networking.

2. LinkedIn Usage Statistics

  1. LinkedIn usage is focused on users highly engaged in professional content and networking. On average, LinkedIn sees over 310 million monthly active users, with significant daily interaction. 
  2. Users spend an average of 17 minutes per session on LinkedIn. 
  3. Monthly, users engage with over 9 billion content impressions, showcasing LinkedIn’s capacity for content distribution. 
  4. Mobile devices account for 57% of LinkedIn traffic, so it’s super important to focus on mobile-friendly content.

3. LinkedIn Engagement Statistics

  1. The average engagement rate on LinkedIn posts is 2.61%, higher than many other professional platforms. 
  2. LinkedIn reports that it sees 2 new members join every seconds.
  3. 40% of monthly active users visit LinkedIn daily.
  4. LinkedIn posts with images receive 98% more comments than those without.
  5. Videos get shared 20 times more than any other content format on LinkedIn.
  6. LinkedIn Live streams increased by 89% year-over-year.

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4. LinkedIn Business Statistics

  1. Over 55 million companies have a presence on LinkedIn, using the platform to connect with customers, employees, and partners​. 
  2. LinkedIn is particularly effective for lead generation, with 80% of B2B leads sourced from the platform​​. 
  3. Approximately 96% of Fortune 500 companies use LinkedIn for recruiting, underlining its importance in the corporate world​​. 
  4. LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions have become essential for companies looking to attract top talent, with over 65 million people searching for jobs on the platform.

5. LinkedIn Advertising Statistics

  1. Sponsored Content is a popular advertising format, achieving higher engagement rates compared to traditional ads. In 2023, LinkedIn generated $4 billion in ad revenue, reflecting its growing role in the digital advertising space​. 
  2.  78% of B2B content marketers are using LinkedIn for paid ads.
  3. Marketing specialists rate LinkedIn paid advertising as more effective than paid ads on other social platforms.
  4. Ad revenue is expected to hit $10.35 billion by 2027.

TikTok Statistics You Need to Know

TikTok continues to be a major player in video-centred social media platforms, known for its rapid growth and high engagement, particularly among younger users.

Here are some key TikTok social media statistics:

1. TikTok User Demographics

  1. TikTok has a diverse and youthful user base. As of 2024, TikTok has over 1.09 billion monthly active users globally​. 
  2. The platform’s gender distribution is relatively balanced, with 53% female users and 47% male users​. 
  3. The largest age group on TikTok is users aged 18-24, who make up approximately 36.7% of its user base, followed by users aged 25-34 at 26%​​. 
  4. The United States, India, and Brazil are among the countries with the highest number of TikTok users, reflecting the platform’s global reach. 
  5. TikTok’s appeal to younger demographics is evident, with Gen Z being a significant portion of its user base.

2. TikTok Usage Statistics

  1. TikTok users are highly engaged, with significant time spent on the platform. On average, users spend about 95 minutes per day on TikTok, indicating deep engagement with the app’s content.
  2. The platform sees over 1 billion video views per day, and users open the app at least 20 times per day​. 
  3. Monthly, TikTok users engage with an average of 19 hours of content, reflecting the platform’s ability to retain user interest over extended periods. 
  4. Additionally, TikTok is the most downloaded app in 2023, highlighting its widespread popularity and adoption​​. The platform’s unique algorithm, which personalizes content for each user, significantly contributes to its high engagement levels.

3. TikTok Engagement Statistics

  1. Engagement on TikTok is notably high, driven by its interactive and short-form video content. The average engagement rate on TikTok is 5.3%, higher than many other social media platforms. 
  2. Users frequently interact with content through likes, comments, shares, and duets, enhancing the platform’s interactive nature. 
  3. Additionally, the use of trending hashtags and challenges further boosts engagement, encouraging users to participate and create their own content. Hashtag challenges can increase user engagement by up to 5X.

4. TikTok Business Statistics

  1. Businesses are increasingly leveraging TikTok for marketing and customer engagement. 
  2. Over 7 million small businesses have established a presence on TikTok, using the platform to reach and engage with a younger audience. 
  3. TikTok is particularly effective for brand discovery, with 61% of users reporting that they have discovered new products on the platform. 

5. TikTok Advertising Statistics

  1. TikTok’s ad reach extends to over 1.09 billion users, providing advertisers with a vast audience. 
  2. Video ads on TikTok, including In-Feed Ads and Branded Hashtag Challenges, see high engagement rates, with users more likely to watch and interact with these ads. 
  3. In 2023, TikTok generated $17.2 billion in ad revenue, reflecting its important role in the digital advertising ecosystem.

Pinterest Statistics You Need to Know

Pinterest remains a unique and influential platform in the social media game, especially for visual content and discovery.

Here’s what statistics you should know about Pinterest in 2024:

1. Pinterest User Demographics

  1. Pinterest attracts a diverse user base with a notable demographic profile. As of 2024, Pinterest has over 465 million monthly active users globally. 
  2. The platform is predominantly female, with women making up about 76.7% of the user base​​
  3. The largest age group on Pinterest is users aged 25-34, who account for 38% of the platform’s demographic
  4. Pinterest’s international reach includes significant audiences in the United States, which has 89 million users, followed by Brazil and Mexico​. 
  5. The platform is also popular among younger people, with Gen Z and millennials making up a substantial portion of its user base.

2. Pinterest Usage Statistics

  1. Pinterest users are highly engaged, often using the platform for inspiration and planning. 
  2. On average, users spend 14.2 minutes per visit, reflecting deep engagement during each session​. 
  3. The platform sees over 2 billion searches each month, indicating its strong role in visual discovery and planning​. Pinterest is also a hub for content creation, with over 240 billion pins saved to date​​. 
  4. The average user creates about 30 boards, organizing their pins around specific themes and interests​.

3. Pinterest Engagement Statistics

  1. Last year, Pinterest garnered over 1 billion monthly website visits, ranking it among the world’s most popular websites. On average, this indicates that users are visiting the site two or more times each month.
  2. Almost all searches on Pinterest are unbranded. People search for terms like “blue nails” or “white shirt” instead of specific brands. This is a great opportunity for your brand to get noticed.
  3. Pinterest is actively enhancing its platform to be more shoppable, resulting in a 50% year-over-year increase in saved shoppable Pins. With over half of its users viewing Pinterest as a shopping destination, these efforts make buying items even easier.

4. Pinterest Business Statistics

  1. Businesses find Pinterest invaluable for driving traffic and sales. Pinterest boasts over 2 million active advertisers, leveraging the platform for targeted marketing​​. The platform’s shopping features, such as product pins and buyable pins, have seen widespread adoption, facilitating direct purchases​​. 
  2. Approximately 85% of users have made a purchase based on content they saw from brands on Pinterest​​. 
  3. 46% of Pinterest weekly users discover new products on the platform, highlighting its role in brand discovery and customer acquisition​.

5. Pinterest Advertising Statistics

  1. Advertising on Pinterest offers unique opportunities due to its highly visual nature. Pinterest’s ad reach is over 400 million users, providing advertisers with substantial audience access. 
  2. Promoted pins, a popular advertising format, achieve higher engagement rates than regular pins​. 
  3. Video ads on Pinterest see a 31% higher engagement rate than static ads, making them particularly effective​​. 
  4. In 2023, Pinterest’s ad revenue was $2.6 billion, indicating its growing importance in the digital advertising space​. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Social Media Platform Has the Most Users?

Facebook has the most users among social media platforms, with 3.06 billion monthly active users​​. This positions Facebook as the leading platform globally, surpassing other major social media sites in user numbers.

2. What Age Group Uses Social Media the Most?

The 18-34 age group uses social media the most in 2024. This demographic is highly active across platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, with 61.1% of Instagram users and the majority of TikTok monthly active users falling within this range.

3. How Many People Have Social Media?

As of 2024, there are 5.07 billion social media users worldwide, which accounts for about 62.6% of the global population. This means that a vast majority of internet users are active on social media platforms

Ready to Make the Most Out of Social Media Platforms?

Social media is a powerful tool that everyone should learn to use effectively. With social media worldwide connecting billions of people, the average person now has access to a vast audience right at their fingertips. 

Now that you are aware of the latest statistics, it’s time to put your new knowledge to action.

Whether you’re an individual trying to build a personal brand or a business aiming to reach new customers, having smart marketing strategies is key. 

Different platforms offer unique opportunities, so it’s important to understand how each one can work for you. 

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