copywriting techniques

Copywriting Techniques and Formulas

Picture of Written by Alexandra
Written by Alexandra

Content Manager at SocialBee

This is Chapter 3 from the Copywriting for Social Media guide.

You want to be a great copywriter. You want to have an influence on your social platforms? Who doesn’t?

The good news is that you can learn how to be excellent at your job as a writer. You can learn how to create a copy that would influence and engage your target audience.

How? Well, by discovering how to create content that would grab your consumers’ attention.

What’s the Secret to Writing Great Marketing Copy?

Very simple… Learn how to do it – how to use the best copywriting techniques. And… how to do lots and lots of market research. Because that’s kind of a must! 

What do we mean by market research? You’ll get it down the line. Let’s take one step at a time though.

What Is Copy Creation?

Copy creation is all about creating words that have the power to convince people to take action.

The best copywriters do a lot of research to find the most important characteristics of their products. They also try to discover the pain points of their consumers and the words people use to describe their problems, and their interests. This is a great starting point.

Writing effective marketing copy of any length requires proper research.

And guess who is the one to organize all that research and build an attractive message? You’ve guessed it: YOU, the talented copywriter.

When it comes to copy, whatever you write on social media, needs to be:

  • Relevant
  • Interesting
  • Valuable
  • Easy to read
  • Worth sharing

You have to be extra careful with your words. When you write shorter copy, you really have to think about every word you use very carefully.

How can you write an excellent copy? Make sure it meets your readers’ needs and expectations.

If you don’t succeed in grabbing your visitors’ attention, you won’t get your customers. In fact, on social media, the customers will get annoyed and will move on without you. So, it’s important for you to know how these platforms work and what your copy should look like on each platform.

You need to know what your audience expects to find on a specific platform and how they intend on using what they find. How? RESEARCH

How to Write Catchy Headlines & Titles

Now that you understand the difference between content writing and copywriting, it’s time to learn about how to write those catchy headlines that would entice your readers and get them to be interested in reading more about what you have to say.

On average, 5 times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar.” – David Ogilvy

The first thing you need to do is get your reader hooked by promising to deliver value. The titles and subtitles should clearly explain why your audience should spend time reading your content.

In short, the headlines you create should convince your audience to read and respond to your copy.

What makes a good headline? 

  • Adapt the headline to the type of page it’s on.
  • Write the headline with your audience in mind.
  • Get to the value quickly (your headline doesn’t only need to give relevance to your audience, it needs to promise value). So, it’s basically how quickly can you say: “This is for you and it’s good”.
  • The headline and the copy have to work together.
  • Know where it is going to be shared (on what platform – so the headline would fit perfectly).

So… going back to what can make or break your content, well, headlines have that ability, too. But, there are endless ways to create a catchy, successful headline. And there are also certain ‘formulas’ proven to have worked really well over time.

Let’s dive into those formulas and learn how to create those catchy headlines so that you’ll never have to worry about coming up with an eye-catching, powerful headline ever again.

You can also opt for a headline analyzer that can help you discover how engaging your headline really is. However, don’t simply rely on such a tool, but rather make sure to learn all there is to know about how to create catchy and engaging headlines.

Check out a headline analyzer here

Social Media Headlines Tips

You are interested to write headlines that grab attention. Good. How’s that going so far?

The reason I’m asking is that writing catchy headlines seem to be a hard nut to crack for many copywriters and marketers out there. Anyway, not to worry, we’ll get to the bottom of this, too. 

But, before you even consider writing headlines or any content on your social platforms, first you need to understand your target audience.

Obviously, most likely everyone understands what the headline of a blog post or article is. But, what is a headline when it comes to a Facebook post or a tweet? Never thought that the one or two sentences within your social media post copy or tweet can be a headline, did you?

Well, it can. So, let’s break this down. If with a blog post, the purpose of your headline is to get people to read the rest of your article, on social media the goal of your headline is to get people to click your link. 

What you want to achieve with your social media catchy headlines is to increase engagement with your audience. Let’s go over some tips you can use on your different social media platforms.

On Facebook

Well… on Facebook, the best way to go is short and nice. You can even go for attractive winning opportunities.

Keep in mind that shorter social media posts generally outperform longer ones. Also, studies show that posts on Facebook between 100-250 characters receive 60% more engagement than posts that are longer than 250 characters.

So, what this means is that when you write your social media headline on Facebook (which is your post copy basically) you need to keep things short, interesting, and attention-grabbing.

Resist the temptation that drives you to write a long post with way too much information included. Simply write a short copy with the information you have from your landing page or blog post and keep things brief. The goal here is to grab attention and interest. No one wants to read long posts. A sentence or two is more than enough and does the trick.

Note: Always add a photo or some sort of good-quality image when posting on Facebook. Although images are not considered headlines, your posts will get more clicks and likes if you include an image as well.

On Twitter

When it comes to Twitter, using the best-performing keywords is your best shot. According to research, there are certain keywords you can include in your tweets that may increase the chances of your content getting retweeted.

Here’s a list of words you could try that are known to be retweetable. 

  • You
  • Please
  • Retweet
  • Post
  • Blog
  • Social
  • Free
  • Media
  • Help
  • Please retweet
  • Great
  • Social media
  • Follow
  • How to
  • Top
  • Blog Post
  • Check out
  • New blog post

So, try including these words in your tweets when you think it’s relevant and check how they perform.

Also, when creating your headlines on Twitter, ask for the download (if you have something to offer for download, obviously). Although it may sound weird, and you could probably consider it more of a call to action and less of a headline, it has a great impact on click-throughs.

According to the specialists at Twitter, the most efficient call to action was asking people to download something. Additionally, tweets that clearly asked followers to download something via a link received 13% more clicks than regular tweets.

This means that you may seriously want to consider offering a free download for a product with signup. What you could do is promote the product on social and write a clear call to action such as ‘Click here to download’. It should work like a charm. 

Action words (verbs) are better than nouns and adjectives.  

Studies show that social posts containing links, as well as posts and tweets with adverbs and verbs generally have higher click-through rates than posts that are heavy on nouns and adjectives. The use of too many nouns and adjectives doesn’t bring value to your headline.

What brings value is the use of action words. Such action words can be: save, achieve, earn, boost, act now, now. Also, when relevant use verbs in the present tense and active voice.

Example: Instead of Top marketing secrets revealed -> Use: Marketers reveal top marketing secrets

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The 4 U’s Formula In a Headline Is Key

The 4 U’s in a headline makes for a great, catchy headline: Urgency + Usefulness + Uniqueness + Ultra-specificity.

1. Urgent

Adding urgency to your copy will most likely help you get the clicks you want.

Saying something like: ‘This common household product kills people every day without you even knowing’, will surely do the trick. We mean, most people seeing this headline would want to click on it and find out what product it is. Therefore, clicking on your post suddenly becomes an urgent matter.

You can add urgency to your headline by using the following words:

  • Quickly
  • Finally
  • Just in time
  • Avoid
  • Don’t
  • Restart
  • Only
  • Stop

Example: Avoid these 3 ingredients next time you cook your dinner.

2. Useful

Make sure to understand what your audience wants and what would be useful for them to get. Identify a problem they are experiencing and then find a solution they are looking for.

Example: How to get a hair dye without damaging your hair.

3. Unique

Because there are tons of interesting content out there, people are over-saturated with different types of content. Standing out from the crowd when it comes to creating headlines isn’t an easy task.

So, the uniqueness of your copy needs to include everything from your writing style to the benefits your target audience gets from reading your content. Also, don’t be afraid to be funny, or weird with your copy – let your writing style be unique.

Example: Raising butterfly students in school is the new trend that helps develop a healthy and balanced workforce in the future.

4. Ultra-Specific

How do you achieve this? It’s simpler than you thought. One way to go is the use of numbers.

Example: Top 3 islands you need to visit before you die.

Readers love the specificity of knowing exactly what they are going to read if they click on your article. If you want the headline above to be even more specific, you could add: exotic.

Like this: Top 3 exotic islands you need to visit before you die. – very specific

Key: To understand what appeals to your audience it’s essential to understand your target audience first.

Place these four components together when creating your headline and you’ll discover that you’ll come up with great headlines that actually get clicked on.

However, the only condition to get the clicks is to make sure to know what your audience needs. And then, promise them a useful, urgent, unique, and ultra-specific solution to their problems.

What Makes a Title Catchy?

They go straight to the point of your content. How? By being simple, short, and to the point. Always get to the point! Trying to play smart and interesting when creating your headlines, might be exactly the reason your audience won’t get the point. Point taken?

Not everything that already makes sense to you, will make sense to your readers. So, they will never click on your headline, because it doesn’t seem clear, they don’t get it or it isn’t intriguing enough for their needs.

Example: Reasons why I never made it (“never made it” with what?? – what do you mean by that??)
The headline is supposed to answer your reader’s question: “what’s in it for me?”.

Example: 5 Tips to write catchy headlines to get more followers (What’s in it for me? – You’ll get more followers)

Smart Ways to Create Catchy Headlines

1. Add the Most Important Benefit to Your Headline

Figure out what are the benefits you are going to enlist. Then simply include the most important benefit into the headline. Being very clear about the main benefit is a must – which means you need to be aware of what the main benefit is for your target audience. This again leads us to the importance of knowing your target audience.

Your headline on social media is an ad for your post which has the role to convince your readers that your link should be clicked on because it has, in fact, the answers they are looking for.


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  • Sharing news? Then publish the kind of news your audience cares about.

Look for the kind of news you know for sure that your audience would be interested in and then share it. When doing so, make sure to somehow bring your news in the headline. If you manage to do that it is most likely that your readers will click on your news content.

Again, this will only work as long as your news presents importance to your audience and has the ability to bring something new into your readers’ lives.

For instance, when you are talking about your products or your services you could announce discounts or some products related to new features they can try out.

Example: Try our social media management tool with a 50% discount starting October 1st. Don’t miss out!

2. Ask a Question Your Audience Wants to Know the Answer to

If you want your headline to be in the form of a question, you’ll need to create a question that would interest your audience. And would want to read the answer to that question.

In case the question in your headline doesn’t attract curiosity, your audience will lose interest.

Try asking a benefit-related question. Tying your headline question to your brand’s primary benefit will surely raise curiosity. This way you can win your audience over to your side, by simply replying to questions they need answers for.

Example: Still haven’t figured out how to efficiently manage your social platforms? We have the solution that will completely change your life:

3. Use the “How-to” Format

Give your audience the chance to learn something in some easy steps to follow and you’ve won them over again.

Adding ‘How To’ in your headline is a smart move. Most people want to learn how to do this and that – especially if you target the result as well as the motivation behind the ‘how to’.

Bring the great benefit of learning something new into your headline and make it sound super simple. People love that.

Here’s how you can entice your audience with a smart ‘how to’ headline:

  • How to turn vegan in 10 days without any negative side effects
  • How to teach your child emotional intelligence by using only 5 simple methods
  • 7 Steps to a better marriage
  • How to lose weight without giving up your favorite foods
  • How to make money by doing something you love

And the list could go on, and on… 

4. Tell Your Reader What to Do and Why

Yes, you can create ‘commanding headlines’ and tell your audience what to do, as long as you also add what their gain will be if they do what you ask them to do. You need to show your audience the benefits that follow if they respond to your request.

Like this:

  • Subscribe to our newsletter and get 10% Off on your next order online!
  • Stop wasting your time on creating social media posts, let our team do it for you!
  • Order our x product today, and you’ll get 20% Off!
  • Buy our x package this week and you’ll get free shipping anywhere in the world!
  • Our new services are available now with one month’s free trial if you contact us today!
  • I’ll give you 2 tips on why numbers and [brackets] in headlines are a GO, too
  • Using numbers and brackets in headlines is eye-catching.

Tip 1: using numbers as digits (3 not three) works better when compared to using numbers as words.

Tip 2: by using (parentheses) or [square brackets], or some sort of special characters, your headline will stand out, and people will become more interested, therefore click it more.

10 Formulas to Create Catchy Headlines & Titles

Do you want your headlines to stand out and attract clicks quicker than you catch flies with honey? … or vinegar? 

Then you better create some interesting headlines. Interesting enough for readers to want to click on your headlines, read your posts, and share the information with others.

Formulas help you organize your ideas. So, what you should do is check out the formulas below when you need to refresh your memory. Simply pick the formula that works best for you and use that one. Obviously, you can’t use all formulas at once. Why?

Well, it’s not that one is better than the other, it’s just that they usually fit different circumstances.

Here are some great formulas that will be very helpful in the process of creating headlines:

1. The ‘Who Else’ Formula

This formula is quite sneaky but valuable – it’s like playing a little psychology with the reader. 🙂

By asking who else wants your products or services, you are already implying that other people are already using them. So why not use it yourself, as well? Right?

This approach usually triggers the reader to get what others have. No one wants to fall behind by not having what is so trendy and good, and… definitely a must-have. Well, if everyone else is having it…

  • Who else wants to read our Ultimate Social Media Copywriting Guide?
  • Who else wants to learn the best tips to social media marketing?
  • Who else wants to earn a lot of money working from the comfort of your home?

And so on. You get the trick.

2. The ‘Secrets’ Formula

Aha, the secret. 

Another great approach that’s actually enticing your readers’ curiosity by thinking they’ll actually find out some inside secrets no one really knows about… yet. So do that, and make your audience curious enough to click on your headline.

You could say something like this:

  • 3 Secrets no one wants you to know about successful copywriting
  • The secret behind a good blog post
  • Secret methods that will change your marketing strategy

3. The ‘Here’s How’ Formula

The ‘Here’s how’ formula comes with a ‘tail’. Usually, you add a ‘somebody’ and a ‘does something’, too. So, it would be something like this: Here’s how + somebody + does something.

What you want to achieve here is to make your target audience be able to place themselves in ‘somebody’s’ shoes. And, the ‘does something’ part should represent the benefits they can achieve.

You can implement it like this:

  • Here’s how smart marketers implement their successful marketing strategies
  • Here’s how men can become better leaders
  • Here’s how to stay at home moms can make more money

4. The ‘Little-Known’ Formula

This formula generally refers to ‘little-known methods’ that people would want to know about. Just like the ‘secret’ formula, it makes people interested and curious to find out about methods only a few people actually know about.

You create a feeling of being at an advantage when learning information other people don’t know about yet.

Here’s how to plant the seed of curiosity:

  • Little known methods to become a social media expert
  • 3 Little known methods to give up unhealthy eating
  • Little known secrets of Stuart Little (to develop healthy habits)

As you can see, you can also mix numbers with these formulas for even better results.

5. The ‘Quick Solution’ Formula

Because everyone wants quick solutions to everything, this formula is pure magic.

We all love it, we all want it. And we want it NOW. So, if you can manage to actually provide a somewhat quick solution to your audience, you are king! Or maybe not you, but your headline will be for sure.

Find out what your audience needs, make the promise of a quick solution to their needs and get your reader’s attention.

Here’s how:

  • Fast solutions to get your audience to engage on social media
  • 5 Quick ways to gain popularity at work
  • The quick way to find the job you are interested in
  • Quick solutions to fix your money problems

6. The ‘Have the Cake and Eat It, too’ Formula

The idea with this formula is that NOW it is possible to do something paired with another thing that under normal circumstances don’t work well together.

Here are the best examples of this:

  • Now you can eat as much as you want and lose weight
  • You can now become the best at your job without hard work
  • Finally, you can feel fresh with less sleep

7. The ‘How to Do Something Like’ Formula

The secret here is to find out what your audience wants and who they identify themselves with the most. Then add the information into the headline using it as an example.

Like this:

  • How to become the best marketer like Apple
  • How to teach like Simon Sinek
  • How to cook like Jamie Oliver

8. The ‘All You Need to Know About’ Formula

What this formula stands for is that there’s information you can find out with the minimum effort.

It would be a total waste not to learn about it when it takes so little to put your hands on this interesting piece of info. So, click on it and find out.

Here’s how to use this formula:

  • Everything you need to know about social media marketing
  • All you need to know about healthy eating
  • All you need to know to become a better wife

9. The ‘List’ Formula

It is a known fact that people like reading lists – mostly because they are easy to read and scan.

When having a list in mind, make sure it revolves around a word at superlative, such as the best, or the greatest of all times, etc. Obviously, it has to be implemented in your headline. Not the list. The {number+word} at {superlative+something} would obviously imply that a list is on the way, down the line.

The way to use this formula is like this:

  • 10 Most inspiring places to see in Europe
  • The top 5 famous marketers we need to learn from
  • The 20 funniest videos to see in 2018

Lists work like magic, especially when they contain relevant, helpful information people can actually relate to and are able to use in a practical way.

10. The ‘It’s All About You’ Formula

Make your reader feel as if you are talking exactly about them.

Get to know your target audience so well, that you can make up headlines that would appeal to each and every one of your readers individually. Make it feel personal.

Like this:

  • You can change the world around you
  • You are exactly what your child needs
  • You are the employee companies are looking for

The key here is the use of YOU.

Here’s another way to look at some Headline Formulas

  • How to [Do Something] in [Some Number] of Simple Steps  👉 Examples: How to Learn Japanese in 7 Simple Steps, How to Become a Better Parent in 10 Simple Steps
  • [Do something] Like [This Expert] Without [This Negative] 👉 Example: Eat Like a Vegan Without Giving Up Your Favorite Food, Work Like a Pro Without Any Stress
  • [Some Number] of Lessons I Learned While [Doing Something] How TOs and Numbers make great headlines! 👉 Example: 5 Lessons I Learned While Losing Weight, 3 Lessons I Learned While Raising My 2 Kids
  • [Some Number] of Secret/Hidden Ways to [Do Something] 👉 Example: 3 Secret Ways to Cook Healthy, 5 Hidden Ways to Master the French Language
  • [Number] of [Big Adjective] Specific Things You Should [Action] 👉 Example: 10 Breathtaking Places To See Before You Die, 5 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before You Become a Mother
  • Title/Subtitle Headline, or Short Headline/Long Headline Combo 👉 Example: How to Become a Speech Therapist: Step-by-Step Guide, 5 Ways To Make People Like You/Tips & Tricks That Work Every Time

✍️ Bottom line:  Formulas give you structure so you can quickly generate a title that you can evaluate later.

Support Headlines with Leads

What is a LEAD?

In copywriting a LEAD is the first bit of copy your reader will read after the headline. This is where you begin to lead the reader on the path you want to take down the line.

The objective of the first sentence of the first paragraph (the Lead) is to get you into the second one, and then the third… and so on. You get the point. So, the first paragraph has to be great! 

Here are the characteristics of a LEAD:

  • Solid
  • Relevant
  • Enticing

Efficiency is key. Make your lead relevant and interesting, otherwise, people won’t read. Write short sentences. Make it intuitive and fun. Why? Because if you lose your reader in your first sentence, you lose everything.

How to create a great lead like a pro – here are a few options you can choose from: 

1. Place your reader into the story.
2. Describe a problem your reader can relate to.
3. Set a stage.
4. Make a bold statement.
5. Ask a question.
6. Show that you understand your reader – write your lead with empathy.
7. Highlight a controversial bit of data.
8. Tell a story or a personal anecdote.
9. Use an analogy.

A great lead has the ability to surprise you, and get you intrigued.  A great lead inspires. It can be the best part of your story. In fact, according to studies, a solid lead can increase conversion rates by 200%. Now, that’s motivating enough to create the best lead out there for your story, isn’t it?

The trick is to start with simple, easy-to-read, interesting, and curiosity-building sentences that will grab your reader’s attention. Once you have their attention, it will be easier to make them read on. And, here’s a tip: a really effective approach is to lead with a question you’ve actually heard asked by one or more of your target audience.

Create Readable Headlines

Now you know how to create a great headline. But how do you make it readable? What do we mean by readable? Well, here’s what studies show:

People usually read the first 3 words and the last 3 words of a headline.

Does this answer the question and clarify what we meant? The thing is, people don’t have the time to read everything. So, don’t put your relevant words in the middle of the headline, people will miss it.

Make sure that the first 3 and last 3 words in your headline are relevant. You can increase the relevance with shorter headlines – so you make the headline pop.

Example: You can now become the best at your job without hard work Become the best employee without hard work

60 characters are the recommended limit for the length of a headline (besides, longer headlines get cut off by Google search engines). Also, headlines lose their effectiveness if people can’t see the whole thing. So, make it short enough, effective, and of course… readable! 🙂

Copywriting Formulas

Give it up for the copywriting formulas! Yes, they are famous and helpful, but … they can be intimidating. If you’ve ever got in touch with the many, many… many copywriting formulas, you know what we are talking about. Now, we have bad news and good news.

I’ll start with the bad news, to make sure to eliminate the element of negative surprise from the very beginning.

The bad news is that no copywriting formula can guarantee that your copy will sell. Tricky and depressing. But, don’t give up just yet. Because… Here’s the good news: what you write is more important than how you write it.

This means that writing great copy isn’t necessarily about choosing the right formula or using the right wording in specific short sentences. No. Good copy is generated when you clearly understand what makes your reader interested (and then engaged).

Does that mean you can throw famous formulas into the trash? Not at all! They obviously have an important role in getting things right. But, the point is, it’s not enough to know your formulas.

The most important element is your customer. As a writer, you need to use the best formula that would make your consumers take action. As a copywriter, you need to write content that would sell your products or services – the formulas are there to help you, the writer. And no matter if you want to sell on Instagram, promote your e-shop on Facebook, or boost your efforts elsewhere, copywriting formulas can make or break your business

Copywriting formulas – are guides for arranging pieces in the right order using the right words in specific scenarios.

The thing is, you can write the most beautiful, correct copy anyone has ever seen. However, if what you write doesn’t address your consumer’s needs, problems, or desires, you have absolutely, definitely wasted your time.

Well, let’s get to know the famous formulas that will help you when writing copy. In this guide, we will focus on some of the famous formulas that we thought were most useful. Why?

The short answer would be that the rest of the many copywriting formulas are simply derivatives of the ones I’ll mention down the line (AIDA / FAB/ PAS / Storytelling/BAB, etc).

Drum Rolls, please… 


The best-known copywriting formula is also known as the princess of copywriting formulas. What AIDA stands for is not that complicated to understand, and it makes quite a lot of sense.

So, according to AIDA, an ad has to:

  • draw ATTENTION (get your reader’s attention).
  • create INTEREST (it has to be interesting information that actually appeals to your reader).
  • create DESIRE (describe the benefits of your product or services and bring proof that it does what you promise).
  • inspire people to take ACTION (ask for a response from your reader).

Example: Sneak peek! Our amazing, fast marketing learning project is ready: “The ultimate guide to learning marketing fast and easy from the comfort of your home”. Want in?

How do you use AIDA on social media?

Here are a few things to pay attention to – and the key ingredients you need to pay attention to are in this famous acronym.

  • Attention – grab your audience’s attention with intriguing copy and eye-catching graphics/photography.
  • Interest – ensure that your posts are being seen by the right people (you don’t want to waste your advertising budget); you can use your social media’s interest filtering for that.
  • Desire – provide honest and useful offers and information – otherwise, not even an award-winning picture will help you achieve a conversion.
  • Action – write a clear and direct call to action; guide your reader through your marketing funnel and then start measuring.

Also, AIDA is best used when you have some sort of proof you can provide after the formula. The proof could be in the form of a client testimonial or even case studies.


1. Sneak peek! Our amazing, fast marketing learning project is ready: “The ultimate guide to learning marketing fast and easy from the comfort of your home”. Want in?

2. The unique product formula you have been waiting for in a hair dye is on our shelves. No more damaged hair. No more hair loss over unhealthy ingredients invading your scalp. You can finally experience healthy hair care! Available in our salon and online. Happy shopping!


Here’s what the FAB stands for:


This formula is probably one of the most powerful copywriting formulas. Why? Because it reminds us to always focus on our customers (not that we wouldn’t do it otherwise). The truth is that your customers aren’t so interested in features, and they don’t even care that much about the advantages either. What they really care about is what you offer to them, and how they can benefit from what you offer.

So, to create real interest and desire for your product you need to highlight the benefits you offer to your audience. So, with this copywriting formula, you can actually focus on benefits, not features. You can use it like this: You get this… (describe what the customer will get), and the product does this… (describe the advantages of the product) …so that you get this… (describe the benefits customers will get).


  • Complete this copywriting guide to help you write excellent copy and improve your business fast.
  • Be ready to reinvent your outfit with our new, bold, make-a-statement Black Velvet baby carrier, perfect for any event on your calendar.


PAS is also powerful because sometimes problems can attract even more attention than benefits. Hence, enter PAS!

This formula stands for:


The way this formula works is first you describe a problem. Then you agitate by highlighting the emotions that go with the problem. And the last step is to offer the solution. Your solution.


Frustrated with your job?

Millions of people admit feeling bad about their job. If you don’t make a change, you’ll remain miserable and frustrated for the rest of your life.

The good news is we can help you. Check out ‘The Ultimate Guide to Changing your Career in 14 Days” and start enjoying life again. You deserve to be happy, even at work! 

With PAS your writing will have consistency, precision, and persuasion.

Also, PAS allows you to evaluate other people’s content you want to share (content curation).  So, as you read, listen, or watch and also think about the problem it solves, you also need to find out how it agitates that problem, and how ultimately solves it.

Once you figure all these out, you are ready to write your curation post. The great thing about this formula is that it works for any text-based social platform, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

On Twitter you’ll obviously need to write the formula in fewer than 280 characters – maybe 120-140 characters only, as you need space for the short link.

Example: Is your boss ignoring you? Learn how to deal with the situation or figure out a way to get noticed. Here’s how. (the ‘Here’s how’ is your solution in this case – followed by a link people can click on and find out ‘how’, find the solution)

The reason this copywriting formula works so well is that it highlights the negative parts people generally want to avoid, like problems, pains, challenges, risks, and other difficult issues.

So, instead of framing your content in a positive manner and trying to sell the benefits of your product or services, make people become aware of what will happen if they don’t purchase your solution.


You may have heard about storytelling and most likely it didn’t ring any bell. We mean why on earth would you call ‘storytelling’ a copywriting formula? It’s basically telling stories, right?

Well, storytelling is probably the oldest type of formula that’s embedded into our human nature. So you might think: “Anybody can do that”. But, as it turns out it has more layers than that. So, let’s peel the onion (crying is not mandatory), shall we?

Storytelling is actually a very popular method, used because it allows us to visualize what is being portrayed in the stories. Which in marketing is kind of an important layer – helps consumers put themselves into the story you are telling. It also helps consumers imagine what it would be like if the events of the story were happening to them.

If you can make your audience feel the feelings associated with the story you are telling and they get to the point where they relate to the storyteller, as well as to the characters in the story, you are halfway there.

Here are some steps to creating your story:

1. The Pain (step 1: the beginning part of your story) – is all about the specific pains your customers are experiencing at the moment.

  • -You don’t have to leave your home and your baby to make money. (targeting the pain of a stay-at-home mom)

2. The Transformation (step 2: the ending part of your story) – has to do with writing about the transformation your product/services will help your customers to achieve.

Our ‘10 Lessons To Earn Money From Home’ ultimate guide, will:

  • Help you discover what career you should be focusing on
  • Teach you the basics for 10 jobs you can do from home
  • Help you start your favorite job right away
  • Help you earn money without leaving your baby and the comfort of your home

3. The Journey (step 3: the middle part of your story) – here you can write about the steps or the journey that will take your customers from step 1 to step 2.
Here are some steps to work from home like a pro, and spend time with your baby, too:

  • Read the books and watch the video from the Lessons package we provide
  • Discover the tips to become the best at the job of your choice
  • You can connect with other moms who go through the same process as you, on a private Facebook Group
  • Once you connect to our App, you’ll be able to section your time in a smart way – so you can learn the right amount of information each day

What’s important here is to get really specific with each step and transform your reader into the hero of the story. Use the right words to show your readers exactly how they’ll benefit from buying your products. And ultimately keep in mind that storytelling in copywriting has to do with using your reader’s pain point, pursuit, and point of success to convince them to buy your products or your services.

The Open Loop Technique

What is an open loop in copywriting?

A teaser. A mystery. Yes, you’ve read it right. These two words are maybe the best way to describe an open loop.

So, an open loop is like a mystery. A mystery that stimulates curiosity and creates the desire to find out how the story will end. And by finishing the story, the reader will be able to discover the conclusion and close that loop.

Open loops are mostly used in storytelling. As I’ve said, the point of an open loop is to give you a glimpse of the story just to create that desperate curiosity that makes you want to find out how the story ends.

And, great storytellers know exactly how to use open loops to get you to become hooked and fascinated by the story in front of you.

The open-loop technique is used in blog posts, articles and social media posts when the writer wants to open with a dramatic scene or image or to deviate to another point, and circle around it – and at the end to finally close the loop.

The idea of an open loop is the very desire to close the loop. So, make sure to leverage the power of storytelling to keep your customers engaged.


Set the stage. How? This is how Shuki Mann sets the stage and opens a loop in a blog post:


And, here’s Zara making us all curious about their new vision and new perspective in a FB post:


Another good example of open loops comes from UK retailer Marks and Spencer. A wonderful mystery story – what did Mrs. Claus deliver? Aren’t you just simply curious? 

Remember this: an open loop is like a path. By adopting powerful and engaging writing in storytelling, you’ll be able to lead your readers to call you for a consultation, buy your product or services, or get in touch with you for other similar purposes. And an open loop is an excellent way to achieve this.

When you set up an intriguing, teasing situation, you basically open a loop, so you’ll leave the reader wanting to know more. Basically, what happens is you create a momentum that hooks and carries the reader through an article or a post. However, keep in mind that you can’t just open loops, you need to close them as well – provide a conclusion.

Also, we just want to mention that there’s also something called: Closed Loop Marketing.

What Is Closed-Loop Marketing?

Closed-loop marketing is a very efficient method to collect and analyze customer data from multiple channels and use the information to create targeted content for your customers.

This data-driven method facilitates the company to address a number of customer groups with messaging that will drive sales and revenues among your new and existing customers.

More on closed-loop marketing, here.

And now, let’s carry on with our copywriting formulas. 


BAB is generally used for blog post intros, social media updates, email, and anywhere else that you need to write.

  • BEFORE – This is your current situation
  • AFTER – Imagine what it would be like having your problem solved
  • BRIDGE – Here’s how you get there

This formula is about telling people about a current problem or a situation that’s no good and then you tell them about the after – what an ideal situation would look like. Then, lastly, you give them the bridge – telling them how to get from the before to the after.

Example: Creating good copy is hard. Imagine taking your company to the next level with excellent copywriting techniques. Here’s how. 

WHY – HOW – WHAT – Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle

The Golden Circle is an excellent formula that great companies such as Apple use to inspire people and create a movement.

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” – Simon Sinek

WHY (Circle 1 – Innermost) 

The question you need to ask here is:

  • Why does my company exist?
  • Why do the founders or the employees get out of bed every morning?
  • Why should anyone care about this company?

HOW (Circle 2)

The key here is to have the answer to the following question: How do you do what others do?

This is also known as the USP (Unique Selling Proposition). This is the element that differentiates you from your competitors. Basically, this is the key factor that explains how your company is better than its competitors.

WHAT (Circle 3)

Key questions here:

  • What does my company do?
  • What does my company sell?
  • What industry is it in?

So, there you are. I’ve mentioned most of the important copywriting formulas you can use. However, if you still feel the need to use others, too, you can have a look at all the other great copywriting formulas out there, here. Also, check out the best copywriting formulas for social media posts, here. So, yes, there are many copywriting formulas. But, is there one formula to rule them all?


Well, according to Momoko Price there might be. And that one copywriting formula to rule them all, could be the ‘Why/Try/Buy’ formula.

According to Momoko Price: “…virtually every single sales page copywriting formula out there (and there are dozens) essentially follows a basic Why-Try-Buy progression.”

And what she writes next in her blog is brilliant: “Go ahead, take a look at some of the most popular sales copywriting formulas out there: AIDA, AIDCA, PAS, 4Ps, 6+1, PAPA, you name it.

They ALL start by first focusing on WHY you should care about their product (i.e. by highlighting your key problems and desires).

… Then they transition into giving you a vivid sense of TRYING their product (i.e. by describing and demonstrating its unique advantages).

… Then they end off by prompting you to BUY (or commit) in some fashion, usually through a prominent call-to-action, bolstered by incentives and anxiety-reducing guarantees.”

So, maybe it’s not a bad idea to keep the ‘Why/Try/Buy’ formula in your “back pocket as a priceless sanity-check for all the sales copy” you write.

In conclusion, copywriting formulas give you a starting point, a framework if you will, that you can actually make your own. That’s what is so great about copywriting. Don’t you think?

So What?

Although we wouldn’t necessarily call this a formula, it is an excellent way to verify your copy.

Whatever you advertise, ask yourself: SO WHAT?

If you don’t have the answer, you still need to work on your copy. It all comes down to benefits. How does your consumer benefit from what you are saying/selling/advertising?

If your post brings no value to your customer, it’s a bad copy. Therefore, ultimately, it all comes down to: So What? This will always help you test whether your copy brings any value to the reader.


New blog post! (ask yourself: So what?) “Best Social Media Tips Ever” (the answer to the: So what?).
Here’s how the post should look like after you answer the ‘So what?’ question. ➡️ New blog post! – Best Social Media Tips Ever.

Key Takeaways

  1. Copy creation is all about creating words that have the power to convince people to take action.
  2. When it comes to copy, whatever you write on social media, needs to be: relevant, interesting, valuable, easy to read, and worth sharing.
  3. Make sure your copy meets your readers’ needs and expectations.
  4. The headlines you create should convince your audience to read and respond to your copy.
  5. What you want to achieve with your social media catchy headlines is to increase engagement with your audience.
  6. Always get to the point! Trying to play smart and interesting when creating your headlines, might be exactly the reason your audience won’t get the point.
  7. The headline is supposed to answer your reader’s question: “what’s in it for me?”.Your headline on social media is an ad for your post which has the role to convince your readers that your link should be clicked on because it has in fact the answers they are looking for.
  8. The copywriting formulas give you structure so you can quickly generate a title that you can evaluate later.
  9. The objective of the first sentence of the first paragraph (the Lead) is to get you into the second one, and then the third… and so on. Efficiency is key. Make your lead relevant and interesting, otherwise, people won’t read the rest. Write short sentences. Make it intuitive and fun.
  10. People usually read the first 3 words and the last 3 words of a headline.
  11. Copywriting formulas – are guides for arranging pieces in the right order using the right words in specific scenarios.
  12. Copywriting formulas give you a starting point, a framework if you will, that you can actually make your own. That’s what is so great about copywriting.
  13. If your post brings no value to your customer, it’s bad copy. Therefore, ultimately, it all comes down to: So What? This will always help you test whether your copy brings any value to the reader.
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