What does "fax, no printer" mean?
“Fax, no printer” is a fun way to say “That’s true” or “I agree.” It’s internet slang that plays on the word “facts” (meaning something true) and “fax” (like the old fax machine).
When someone says “fax, no printer,” they’re just emphasizing that what was said is a fact, and there’s no need to explain or prove it further. It’s a playful way of agreeing with someone or stating an undoubtable fact.
This phrase has gotten popular online, especially with younger people, as a fun and casual way to say “That’s true.” Over time, it even became viral and a bit of a meme thanks to @briaalanaa, a TikTok creator, who frequently used this phrase in her videos. Here’s an example.
Interestingly, we don’t really know who started the phrase, but an early example comes from Omarion and Chris Brown’s 2014 song “Post to Be,” where they say, “And that’s facts, no printer.”